Chronaverse $CHRONA — the Official TOKEN Coin of the Chronaverse

The Chronaverse
12 min readMar 13, 2024

It’s been a looooong time coming….

The ChronaCoin in all of its glory!

So since the Chronaverse’s creation, many people have pestered me with one consistent question — where is the chrona coin? Do you have one? And for the longest time I outright refused to have one, as I did not see a use case for it.

Well, with the creation of the blending game now I am able to provide it in a way that is cool and brings more focus to the art!

…eventually. That function is still pending and will be up soon, hopefully. It’s out of my hands as I am having third party people help code it for me, so we must be patient! But WHEN it is up, here is how it will work. (CHRONA is still up in other ways to acquire, don’t worry, I will get to that)

The Chrona Blend Drips

As you know if you have read the other medium articles, we have a whole blending game where you progressively blend higher and higher rarity art — the first few rarities being infinite mint, and anything mythical and above being limited mints, all the way to 1 of 1 mint. The highest rarities can cost hundreds of dollars to make ALONE. It’s a game for collectors and high rollers, many times fighting to get #1 mints or 1 of 1 mints, as I create more and more art.

I built it this way to keep peoples attention and also to make finding my art fun, as well as for people who aren’t in crypto to also be able to enjoy it. The goal will be that any rarity “rare” and up will be able to “drip” CHRONA into your wallet hourly. It will start very small — most likely .0001 CHRONA an hour and increase per rarity tier up, up until 1 CHRONA an hour for 1 of 1 mints.

Now I know this doesn’t SOUND like much, but keep in mind CHRONA is currently worth 9–10 wax A CHRONA, or roughly one USD a CHRONA, so it’s pretty expensive! These will add up — so the more blend results you have the more CHRONA you will be able to earn. Think of it like collecting dust enhancers(on that note we DO have Dust Enhancers and Mini Dust Enhancers for you to earn more token from as well).

It is created this way to specifically benefic those who delve deep into blending — rewarding them — it is meant to discourage hyperinflation or those who just want it for the money. As a result it’s not entirely newbie friendly as it was designed this way to deter non-serious people.

The CHRONA Nefty Market

Now, when you start to earn CHRONA through blending, you’re gonna wanna use it, right? Well fortunately we got a lot to use it on!

Let’s start with drops:

Some of the Drops you can buy with $CHRONA

Drops Link:

Most of the main drops for the chronaverse can now be bought with CHRONA as well. These include packs for legacy blends that will all also eventually earn you CHRONA. I will honour all the older blends in that way too — anything you had to work to get a final result for will earn you CHRONA :)

The elements and packs for the blending game will NOT be buyable with CHRONA as I still need wax to pay the costs of ram for the blends and drops — operational costs and all that.

You can also buy mystery boxes and wildcards with it which will let you gamble for high value nfts — you might even win golden tickets which can be blended for high value nfts :)

BONUS: Some of the blends you create will have bonus nfts you can discover in the unlockable content of the nft attributes — discoverable through atomichub when you create the blended nft — these BONUS nfts will either be blendable or they will cost you 1 chrona to buy from a hidden drop that is only accessible when you blend that nft, and will require you to have that nft as a requirement to claim the drop. These bonus nfts will have 20 nfts each for mint. This brings back the old drops in a way that ties in harmoniously with the new collection, and gives more incentive to “spend” the coin.

You will also be able to spend chrona to get nfts by playing the randomized lore game and the chron riddles game in the chronaverse game — you can access them by clicking next in the top area of the chronaverse game — you can find them here: — each is of max 20 mints, one claimable each.

for the randomized lore it will be if you answer the question properly — for the chron riddles it will be the riddle level answer. Each will provide you with very rare “chron riddle” schema nfts.

As of now there is more to spend it on and less ways to accumulate a lot of it — which is A good place to start and allows the drip to slowly transition people into it. As more CHRONA is accumulated more bigger things will become available to spend it on, higher rarities with less available mints, auctions, etc.

Next is blends:

Some of the Blends you can buy with $CHRONA

Blends Link:

Here you can blend ALL commons in the game for chrona! Yes you can use it as a blend ingredient! You can also buy all combinators with CHRONA as well as blend wildcards INTO chrona! We MAAY have uncommons blendable too but it gets a bit tricky as blending with just elements can be astronomical vs finding them in packs so it’s very hard to pin down how much to charge.


The 3 pairs — for now — eventually there will be one of every major pair

Now for the place that MOST people will want to spend it on, STAKING!! Yes we have SIX stake farm pairs for now — $CHRONA/$WAX, $CHRONA/$TLM, $CHRONA/$WAXDAO, $CHRONA/$DUST, $CHRONA/$WUF and $CHRONA/$NEFTY!!

CHRONA/WAX(min 20 chrona to stake):

CHRONA/TLM (min 10 chrona to stake):

CHRONA/DUST (min 5 chrona to stake):

CHRONA/WAXDAO (min 2 chrona to stake):

CHRONA/WUF (min 1 chrona to stake):

CHRONA/NEFTY (min 1 chrona to stake):

AETHER/CHRONA (min 2 mil. aether to stake — this one lets you earn chrona):

all five are up for a year and lock in your token for a month — and I match (or try to match) whatever is staked by others to increase competitiveness.

Chronaverse RAFFLES

Chronaverse Raffle Ticket

CHRONA RAFFLE TICKETS ARE UP! Worth 1 chrona each — Use these to enter into the chrona raffles for prizes, CHRONA, 1 of 1 mints and more! go to to see what you have won! Wheels will be spun with 1 wam per ticket you buy on the wheel — so you can have several names! These cannot be sold on market as they are non-transferrable because they need to be burned in order to be redeemed. Sent your burn tx to the telegram room and I will put your name on the wheel :) — wheels will be spun when enough tickets have been sold.




We will do the rounds in the telegram room — don’t forget to burn your cards and send the tx so we know to add the name to the wheel!

Chronaverse Apex Conquest (PENDING)

Game where you “battle for resources”

Select blendable nfts will be able to be used as “commanders” in the “apex conquest game” — chrona will be able to be spent on buying cards for this game, and there will also be a pool where you can earn chrona from — I have an agreement where aridhol, the creator of the game will buy it off alcor to provide to the game — it will look like this — and you’ll be able to “battle” for it — just giving it another use-case until we can get the drips up and running

you can check out the game here:

So Where can I GET $CHRONA?

Ah yes, our final question — where to get it. Naturally the blend drips will be the MAIN place to get it — but we have other places as well.


The first place would naturally be the market. Now there are a few ways you can do this — the first would be the alcor market. We have liquidity pools CHRONA/WAX, CHRONA/DUST, and CHRONA/AETHER that you can use the swap for:

The pools — just click swap top left to get the swap page

Pool link:

You can also stake in the alcor Farms that all will award you CHRONA:

Just do a search for “chrona” to bring them up — then click advanced view, and details to be able to claim all after you stake to them. I believe you have to stake to the pools first then stake that to the farm. Not sure though.

Farm link:

And of course the SWAP:

1 Chrona is roughly worth 9 wax,.. for now.

Swap link:

You can also buy it directly from me off market, where I put it up for x amt and you buy it from me off market sale:

The market, I try to always keep it at 9 or 10 wax min, regardless of troublemakers

Buy from me here:

And you can ALSO buy it off nefty/atomichub market in actual physical nfts.

Chrona Backed token
the beautiful chrona tokens — currently available in 0.1 and 1 chrona variants.

With these you have to burn them, then go to WAXDAO site and go to your wallet and click “claim” — it won’t auto-send to your wallet after you burn them so you have to claim them from WAXDAO’s hopper afterwards.

The screen you’ll see — when something is here to claim it will look different — otherwise it’ll look like this.

Go to and then at the top right click your username once you sign in and choose WALLET Beta

Click your wallet from the dropdown and choose wallet — beta — mine is chronaverse1 because I have an Anchor wallet.

I generally link everyone to nefty market now vs atomichub — so here is the link to buy these on market:

What about FREEEEEE Token..?

Yes yes, we have that too, but it won’t come easy — the chronaverse has a motto — high work, high rewards. You gotta EARN it!

How do you do this? Well let’s list the ways:

1) Telegram — gamee games:
You can attempt to beat me in my telegram room at the weekly gamee games(held every tuesday and running for a week each) where I will award you a small amount of token — generally .5 token per spot above my own standing in the game — this is the hardest way to earn it as I am quite good at pretty much ALL gamee games and I generally crush the competition — the game is reset every tuesday night — if there are no winners sometimes I will carry over the game into a second week — or if I was annoyed by it choose another game. I generally start with a “starter score” the day I put the new game in and then let people battle over it for the rest of the week, and then on monday or tuesday work to get first place at the last minute — at any point on tuesday night if I am in first place I will end the game — so it’s VERY hard to win it this way.

2) Telegram — chatty prize
If you can chat above and beyond in my room with others you can earn the “chatty award” — (I give this out if I feel like it — daily chatty awards not guaranteed) which will earn you 1 chrona potentially a day — sometimes it feels obvious people are chatting JUST to try to get this, and this is not organic — it has to feel natural and you have to be going above and beyond, this also includes bringing in other people from other rooms to join the chronaverse family and increase our ranks!

3) Blending Game Finders Fee
This is a relatively new development — if you are the first to make a #1 mint of legendary or above, I will give you 5 CHRONA — yes 5 whole CHRONA — but ONLY for a #1 mint — this is sorta like the invention prize on rplanet for being the first to invent something. Lots of the blending game takes inspiration from RPlanet but with its own twist.

4) Defeat A’ar Quintas in Galactic123 game

Every now and then A’ar Quintas will appear in galactic123 and attack the planets! If you defeat him he will drop you a card, which will drip chrona, and maybe even CHRONA cards! Only 4 defeated cards exist so far. But he’s never too far away..

5) Chronaverse Players Referral Fee

If you refer a person to the game/telegram, AND they end up becoming a regular blender I will award you 10–20 chrona for your contribution to the collection — PER PERSON. That’s 100–200 wax value almost — RIGHT THERE. 10 if they are just an occasional blender — 20 if they become hardcore like some of our current blenders :) — this award obv. will be doled out over time to ensure the person isn’t a fair weather blender hehe..

6) Mining on Magor 8:8 in alien worlds

This was just added — every day I will add ONE 0.1 chrona card to alien worlds on my land I own — magor 8:8 that you can potentially find a card for — since there are many other prizes you can dig up here too — elements, dragon pieces, wildcards etc you may not find one of these daily, or they may cluster and you may find a bunch one day — but every day I will add one more :) — so you can slowly find them this way.

The amount is minimal so that the incentive is still to blend — the blending is where we get our money as we also provide functions to say save time that costs microtransactions of wax that really add up. That money is then put back into the collection to provide more functions and grow it — like dust is put back to bring more mini-dust enhancers online.

7) Apex conquest — you will be able to battle for small amounts of it — you’ll be able to buy more troops with chrona as well.

So that’s it! Eventually There will be other use cases — like bidding for super high drip items in auction in telegram or on nefty, and maybe possibly a drip token bot that awards you randomly throughout the telegram room for a tiny amt — we might even do raffles for prizes where you can buy tickets either WITH CHRONA for nft prizes, or with wax FOR CHRONA — these would be non-transferrable tickets and would need to be burned. You’d then need to dm me on telegram your burn tx with your wam so I can add it to the wheel. This will ensure once it starts flowing it gets utilized well.

So yeah! Exciting times! You can find the whitepaper article here:

DISCLAIMER: CHRONA is NOT meant to be viewed as a “security” — it is not meant to be invested in nor do I purport to claim it will make you money by investing in it. It is meant to be used as a currency in the chronaverse game. Anything else is at the risk of the person who has the coin.

Please read the LEGAL DISCLAIMER before proceeding. By buying chrona you agree to have read this disclaimer and are okay with what it says. I am not responsible for any money you lose for investing in this token and cannot refund you for any money lost and you should take that into account before investing in it. Consideration into this token should be a serious consideration on your part and not an investment or a desire to gain riches by investing in it. That is not the point of it.

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any questions come talk to me on telegram! Come join the family, it’s a cool place to be!

Come hang out with us :)



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn