Chronaverse GAMBLING — Wildcards, and Mystery Boxes up!

The Chronaverse
6 min readFeb 6, 2024


The final step in The Chronaverse is now Complete!


In the months, and in some cases, mere WEEKS before the chronaverse was hacked in 2022, the final step of the collection had been added. MYSTERY BOXES!

These boxes would contain random goodies — mostly blend cards that could be used to create the best art in the collection, as well as some other goodies, like mini dust enhancers — they can also be bought with wax dust and xyte.

The regular mystery box

In addition it would have a 40% chance of generating “duds”- try again cards that seemed pointless, but in themselves could be staked to rplanet for some aether, and thus had some value. They could also be combined if you got enough and blended them to create a GOLDEN MYSTERY BOX!


This was the magnum opus of mystery boxes — and was ridiculously hard to get — costing 1000 wax just to boy — but there was a tiiiiny percentage chance you could find one in a regular mystery box. This had the best the chronaverse had to offer, including audio players and nfts worth up to 10000 usd! Each!

I had awarded one of them out to a winner of our weekly games, but since it was the #1 mint he of course kept it — as it’s a general rule never to consume #1 mints. As a result the box had never been opened. Then the hack happened and wiped everything out.

Mystery boxes were great though in that they could be awarded as prizes and it was up to chance if people got something.


Well, now I have restored both mystery boxes! Adding what was originally to them, as well as ingredients for the NEW game! Of course this has added more pressure to remint the old collection blends and drops — so those are coming back online

The first ever original pack of the collection

I have thus restored the original pack of the collection — the mech dragon purple pack key. Originally The mech dragon blend would allow you to choose to use either one of the pieces to blend with or to open — but this ended up not being so good as everyone prioritized opening it over using it as a blend ingredient — so now I have separated them — there is the blend ingredient and the pack. This contains what was available to blend at the time it was created — I decided to keep it simple and keep the legacy packs what they were at the time they were created.

You can find it here — it contains 7 nfts but less nft selection:

However there is one pack that contains ALL the legacy stuff — and that is the golden disc.

The Legendary Golden Disc Master Pack Key

This was the first one to contain all the blends in the past — it contains 6 nfts but contains ALL the legacy blend items. Legacy blends are marked as “legacy” in their name, meaking they came before the hack. We also refer to pre-hack chronaverse as season 1 — and post-hack as season 2.

You can find that link here:

— —

…but back to the mystery boxes.


So these will be given out a LOT — and will be seen as ugh, nothing.. but check in the unlockable content of them and you will find links to the blends you can do.

Amore compact way to find them is to look on the drops page on the official chronaverse site — 6 duds gets you a mystery box blend — 99 get you a GOLDEN one — golden ones can alsso be found in other packs at a very very low percentage — like below .1%:

On that link you will also see the new WILDCARDS!

Ooooh.. ahhhhhh…

WHAT DOES IT DO? It’s the “Q” of the chronaverse! A single one can replace any character in a blend for a scene, or sub in for a combinator of ???? category! 6 of these blended together will get you one out of 190 RESULTS! Some of them super rare, including a 1 of 1 mint polymerization card, regular mystery boxes, STAR NOVA CARDS, combinator cards, element cards, dynamo cards, packs, a’ar quintas pieces, a GOLDEN MYSTERY BOX, and other crazy prizes, just to name a few, some of which aren’t even available to blend or buy yet!

you can buy them here for the equiv of 6.66 wax:

and blend them here:

they can also be found in the mystery box


Hes there is more — the golden mystery boxes ALSO have their OWN version — the golden ticket! Yes I know, I ripped off Willie Wonka lol..

The best of the best of gambling!

This will give you access to the pre-minted blend — which has #1 mints, cards worth over 10000 usd EACH, along with lots of other cool things! There is a small chance to win these in the golden mystery box, so keep yer eyes peeled for them! The current preminted blend has 181 cards in it so you have a 1 in 181 chance of something cool! Also going forward all remaining market nfts will start to go into these packs, to essentially be given away, since market nfts don’t sell well ithout utility anymore.

So yeah! Lots of gambling! I’ve been putting a lot of the old legacy blends up too, now that the mystery boxes dole out the old blend ingredients too, so look for them here:

and check out drop as aalways

and the packs link to open stuff!

Sometimes you can find stuff liek this for cheap on market, from people who basically don’t understand what they have, so be sure to keep yer eyes peeled for stuff!

so yeah! Be sure to read the other medium articles if you are new, and talk to us on telegram!

play the game: (click game tab bottom left on site)

And have fun, and get to collecting and exploring the chronaverse — atomichub/wax’s biggest and oldest music/art gallery collection/game!

-shawn (Chronamut)-



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn