The Chronaverse
13 min readDec 18, 2023


A’ar Quintas and his spawn have joined the Chronaverse game!

The Most Powerful Dragon to ever Exist in the Chronaverse.

Before we get into how to create this an dblend it, let us discuss the lore behing A’ar Quintas. A’ar quintas is sorta the mascot of the Chronaverse, and has emerged several times in several different ways, crossing collections to “visit” other collections, usually space themed ones, as it is a space dragon.

Eons ago, countless millions of years ago, well before humans existed, there were 2 factions. One were the angelic elven beings, the Paa-tal, and the other were the corruptive Draconian Armada, hell bent on enslaving devouring and pillaging their way across the known universe.

Mortal enemies, they often had giant campaigns against each other. But this time it would be different, the Paa-tal had one of their own, a hybrid of both Paa-tal, and Draconian that could harness the power of shadows and call it forth to him to form armor around himself and become a creature of untold destruction.

Unfortunately, being a battlefield, this creature was a bit TOO successful, and would grew to such an enormous size that its jaws could crush a planet. It became known as A’ar Quintas the Destroyer and it had no equal, then, and still now. The resulting strain of so many shadows and souls absorbed into it, for it could also absorb the souls of the dead, rendered it insane, and its only driving thought was to destroy the draconian armada.

It had glittering rainbow scales on black, and most of its body was covered by thick dark blue armor plating, with light blue underneath. It had massive spikes on its shoulders and back and was very very bulky, but unbelievably fast being a dragon created out of shadows.

A’ar Quintas the Destroyer newly forged, not quite big enough to eat a planet yet.

The Spawn of A’ar Quintas

As this creature let forth a beam of pure white energy from its throat it vaporized vast swathes of its enemies. In addition to this, due to the nature of its creation, it was forged out of beings that felt they had been wronged by the draconian armada — shadows of beings left behind as well as wayward souls. A’ar quintas felt their pain, pulled them into himself, and rebirthed them out of him as spawn — insects compared to his size, but kaiju class sized beings compared to us.

These beings radiated out of him like a cloud, donned in metallic armor like his and able to survive in the vacuum of space they swarmed their enemies, destroying any that A’ar Quintas missed. They were fanatically loyal to him, seeing him like their father. Any of the draconian armada that was destroyed also had their souls and shadows absorbed into him making him grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger, causing a chain reaction that did not seem to have an end in sight. These beings also became fanatical to A’ar Quintas’s overwhelming spirit and became part of his hive mind, they too becoming spawn, now loyal to the cause.

Anare’il on left, A’ar Quintas on right

One creature, Anare’il the chaos dragon, a very high ranking old world draconian being decided to try to challenge A’ar quintas, and A’ar quintas, recognizing this, pursued him across the universe, destroying countless planets that got caught in the crossfire, all while becoming bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until Anare’il was the size of one of his teeth. He escaped, but formed a long standing hatred for this being.

The End of A’ar Quintas

A’ar quintas destroyed the majority of the armada, and almost the entire draconian species, the few remaining fleeing to the far corners of the universe to spread the tale of terror. It was then that A’ar quintas had noone left to fight. The Paa’tal celebrated their victory, but then A’ar Quintas remembered all the things his own kind, the Paa-tal had subjected him to up to that point, and his rage boiled over, and he attacked them next.

The rest gets hazy, but it is said the most highest ranking angels and The Almighty itself had to intervene, and all that is recalled is a bright light approaching A’ar Quintas and it being engulfed in it as it roared terribly.

The Spawn of A’ar quintas however remained, countless in number, as did the shadow of A’ar quintas, although now bodiless and once again just a collection of shadows, but now combined into one — the being that had hosted it adrift in space.. this being would have to atone mightily for the sins of it creation, for it was his own shadow that had acted as the base, and how was connected to so many other beings. It would become his job to slowly heal these souls, one by one.

Over the eons the Spawn would be systematically hunted down whenever they could be found, and many, like balrogs would choose to hide away to escape detection until the time they could be found by their one true master..

Recreate the Past — Recreate A’ar Quintas and his Spawn!

He wouldn’t hurt a fly.. YOU on the other hand..

Now it is time for each of them to tell their story. The A’ar Quintas campaign adds the Spawn of A’ar quintas to the Chronaverse game — which you can read about to learn how to play if you are new HERE:

Much like A’ar Quintas the Chronaverse last year suffered a crushing defeat when it was taken over through a phishing hacking attack and had to be rebuilt from scratch. Now it has rebuilt enough that A’ar quintas has returned, with a new blend!

This was the original blend of the past

And this is the NEW Blend to represent his return!

A’ar Quintas: Bigger, Badder, ANGRIER, FIERIER!

A’ar Quintas is back, and his sense of justice is angrier than ever! This is a complicated blend and process, so pay attention. This is going to be a rather long medium article…

There is one nft that is needed to create ANY spawn of A’ar Quintas beings in the chronaverse game, and that is the primary A’ar Quintas Polymerization card which you can see below.

The Key to unlocking the Spawn.

This key can be bought below:

You can buy it in WAX, DUST and XYTE, but ONLY if one of the criteria below is fulfilled.

HOWEVER, there are a few criteria that must be met:

A’ar Quintas has appeared a few times in various ways throughout the collection, so aside from blending the 2 final versions of A’ar quintas above, there ARE a few ways you may be eligible for this:


The most valuable card in the entire collection, with the #1 mint going for 1 million wax.

Originally 10 in total (and 10 that the template were messed up for, thus when I reminted it I just made it 20) from #10 mint and going down towards #1 mint, these were given out to anyone who could prove they spent 2000 wax on the collection in one day. This was a feat generally done by very few people, and I think only 5 own a copy of this card. It is thus EXTREMELY valuable and holding it in your wallet will allow you to buy a drop of this polymerization card without the need to do anything else — so good job to those people!


A’ar Quintas has been around. Before his defeat and during his rampage many areas of the universe fell victim to its rage. It visited Alien worlds and attacked the planets there, and it has visited the planets of Galactic123 and wrecked havoc there. Some have managed to have driven it off, and were able to stave it.. for now. Like Sin however, it can never TRULY be defeated and will recollect itself and reform with time. Those beings were given THIS card as a reward. Only 3 beings to date have this card:

Look how pretttty it is :P

A’ar Quintas is set to return in a week or so to Galactic123, and once again this card will be available to those winners, so look out for this dangerous foe, for he gets stronger every time he returns! Having this card will also allow you to buy the polymerization card.


The original that Started it all.

This card is the Original A’ar quintas made in ms paint against the original black background. It is the initial step required to make the “legacy” A’ar Quintas final form, so just having it in your possession will allow you to be able to get the polymerization card, as you need this card to create the legacy final form, along with a second polymerization card of a different type that can be found either on market or randomly in the a’ar quintas packs.

The OTHER polymerization card found randomly in packs or on market. Not to be confused with the first one that you can only get from the drop.

The packs contain pieces of A’ar Quintas’s body and are required to build the new version. You can see your options below. You can find some on market too — when I choose to release them.

you need 38 of each card to create the originalcard.

^ — For this one you can find these cards randomly in the A’ar quintas packs which you can buy below:

The A’ar Quintas packs contain pieces of its body and randomly that polymerization card and original a’ar quintas blend items. Available in WAX, DUST, and XYTE.

…buuut if you are looking to specifically make it you can buy them on their own below (or on market if they are there):

(It has both pieces in it hence the left and right arrows — so 5 wax each nft in wax, dust or xyte)

Buying it in dust or xyte will get you a slight discount. Now view the images below to see what is required for the FINAL blends of the legacy or NEW image. The pack link above is what contains the pieces needed for the NEW image.

Steps required for legacy — both polymerization cards
Requirements for NEW fire version — 4 copies of each piece of it — 19 separate pieces so 76 pieces in total + the randomly found polymerization card in packs or on market. This one is more expensive to make, but doesn’t require the polymerization card from the drop to make or the original A’ar Quintas card.

OPTION 4: OWNING “A’ar Quintas-Esqe (Spawn of Aar Quintas)” CARD

Whos’s Afraid of the Big Bad.. Reality-ending Dragon..?

The firstborn of A’ar Quintas spawn, it looks the most like its father. This was a drop and only 10 of them exist, and all have been bought. If you are a lucky person who owns one of these you also do not have to blend a’ar quintas to get the polymerization card.

Now, for the spawn..

Recreate the A’ar Quintas Spawn!

Do They Even Lift? Why yes, yes They do.

ONCE you have the coveted polymerization card you now have the option to make the really really cool looking Spawn of A’ar Quintas.

For this step you will need to find either a draconian or a dragon you can “sacrifice and rebirth” — they will tend to look somewhat similar to the form they were sacrificed as, but in a dark blue or grey colour with metal on their bodies, or black and coloured scales, or not, there are many variations and they will be split into classes and options. But there will be many many MANY of them.

These will ALL be limited mints starting with mythical and working their way all the way up to Beyond. Due to the almost monopolistic nature of the players playing I am reserving making any 1 of 1 mints to a later time so that future game players don’t have nothing left to make.

So for example — we take a draconian foot soldier below, and combine with the a’ar quintas polymerization card with a few effects for which direction to do — maybe a dynamo core to push it in a specific finish annnd

Before.. — ^

My my what big teeth you ha-”GLRURRURUGH!”

^ — After..! Now you have a super scary supersolder kaiju class monster on your hands of limited mint!

You won’t be sacrificing previous cards as you would in other paths due to their limited mints, but you will have to sacrifice more of the infinite mint ones to go up a higher level

In addition each new rarity tier you want to blend will require a NEW Polymerization tier:

7 tiers to make your life even more challenging

This will be to “discourage” people from gobbling up all the limited mint rarities, making it much harder for people to get the highest rarities, as it SHOULD be hard to get.

So if you want to eventually make a beyond card..

7 mythicals, 6 celestials 5 divines 4 godlies, 3 eternals 2 deified + 1 beyond card will be needed.

mythicals start at 5 wax and each will go up by 5

so 35 (7 x 5) wax + 60 (6 x 10) + 75 (5 x 15) + 80 (4 x 20) + 75 (3x25) + 60 (2x30) + 35 (1x35) = “drumrolls” 420 wax as the most it will take to make an “BEYOND”” piece! Thus that should give you a price range of what you will be expected to pay on TOP of the regular blending materials needed to make these. It aint cheap! But ohh they’re just so beautiful :)

In order to make my life easier each rarity will have its own schema, as I can then code the drop to check to see if the user has any card in a whole schema — otherwise I have to add every single new nft with that rarity ever since you cannot apparently have it check by rarity, which is annoying, but whatever. You will be able to see all the drops for the tiers of polymerization on the drops page and they will be labeled -so “mythical tier, celestial tier etc) making it easy to find what you need.

Weekly Wheel OF FREE SWAG & Other Special Stuff!

Spinny spinny for weekly and daily swag, if we have enough people..

NEW DRAW IDEA UP! Every week I submit new nfts to the game, so I am thinking.. for every chronaverse say.. rare to legendary card created by users every week I add your name to a spinny draw, one for each blend you make (only 1x if its a multiple output one like the 2x ones though so one every unique blend of rarity and up)

so if you blended ice dragon 3x times you get 3 of your names on the wheel-then we spin it x amt of times at the end of every week, or maybe even every day, & the winners get cool stuff-maybe even a random #1 mint as I have a few left over from the old auction days.

And you know me — I award winners WELL — it won’t be crappy stuff — then we reset it the next week — make it a threshold that there needs to be at least 3 names on the wheel every week or no dice for that day or week — so start of the week may be nothing but then halfway through people get enough to make a rare and we go from there- lemme know what you think!

We will start if there are at least 3 unique people making rarity or higher pieces to make it a fair odds thing. If you blend a rare or higher piece post a print screen of it in the room and I will add your name. I will add a name per piece.

As a bonus there are also hidden nfts that catapult you all the way up to beyond without a need for polymerization nfts! These are password protected and must be discovered only within the interface game at — for these ones I will give you an EXTRA name on the wheel. (they’re locked away because they’re “naughty” — if you know me, you know, you have been warned.)

IN ADDITION — if you create any of the spawn of a’ar quintas pieces I will give you 1 extra name one the wheel PER rarity, so 1 at legendary, 2 at mythical 3 at celestial, all the way up to 8 at Beyond rarity! (this doesn’t apply to the hidden nfts as not having to pay 420 wax to get to them is the reward in and of itself) — so yeah, added incentive! I might even give away polymerization tiers randomly as prizes and in mystery boxes, which will be up again soon!

I’ll also do the same for scenes — 1 extra name per rarity — this is not retroactive though. If only one persons name is on the wheel even if it is more than 3, no dice — it has to be 3 unique people, so try to work together, for free swag :P

If it becomes problematic we may revisit this but we shall see how it goes!

draws happen in telegram:

And that’s it! I know this was long but when it comes to rarities that are limited in a game where many many people will play a lot of checks and balances have to be put in place to ensure it is fair and fun and challenging still — I thought a long time over how to structure this, and I think this works well :)

so enjoy! And if you have any questions please let me know!


Come relax with me- I mean us :)



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn