The Chron Riddles has been added to the Chronaverse Game!

The Chronaverse
8 min readMay 21, 2024


When games collide..

Back in 2002, when the internet was still young, and most people still used desktop computers, there was a craze called online browser riddles. NOTPRON was probably one of the first, it was followed by others such as Zest online riddle, marv riddle, dracula, and many others. I, while in college with my friend jeff, were currently at home doing nothing as our college was on strike. He found this online riddle, and him, being more analytical, and me, being more creative decided to tackle it together.

We pretty much got to the end at the time and kinda moved on to different things. I thought however that it would be cool to make a sequel — I had made a bonus that had never been used in Zest and decided to create my own riddle around it. I made a few levels around 2005 and then slowly lost interest. ffwd 12–13 years and after some drama on newgrounds I decided to remaster my music buy also to restart my online riddle and so I started to make levels in earnest.

You can find my riddle and all the other famous ones on RIDDLE HELL — it is where all the famous ones go :) — mine is called the Chron riddles, based on my username Chronamut, which is a fusion of Chronos the primordial time greek god and Bahamut the king of dragons, and also a primordial arab god.

So how does it work? Let’s point to this image to explain:

So first you are going to navigate to “” (gimp and photo software is not required) — then read what is on the main page, then you will scroll down to general hints, and read those.

Basically you puzzle out each level, think outside the box, explore the source, think about what it’s telling you, and then type in your answer and hope you either get to the next part of the level or perhaps a hint screen, they come in a variety of levels, hint screen, but the most common are “red herrings” which naturally are red, which give you a hint but let you know you’re not quite there yet.

Once you are ready click back to the main page at the bottom of general hints — you will be met with the chron riddles logo with a ripple effect over it, two buttons — one to proceed and one to return to the main page, and a counter that shows how many people have tried to solve the riddle (a lot have). You can see a ghostly effect over the “enter” when you slide your mouse over it too.

There are also tabs on each side that can pull out — one plays music, the other has the birds ambiance — the music carries over all three pages uninterrupted as it is hosted in an iframe — this style will repeat throughout the game which means there will be a main source and an iframe containing source — check the main source for hints not the iframe containing one.. usually :P

tabs pulled out

There are what are called “artifacts” in the game too — these add a new dimension to the game as well as prevent cheating, as one cannot simply post a link to part of the game and progress. This has kept the game safe from people revealing info about it.. for now.

So let’s proceed!

Level 1

So here we have “the entrance” to the game — in this case the code that causes the fog makes it impossible to right click and view source — so we must press ctrl+u

here you will see the code page
“commented” captions will be in green, whether your bg is black or white

Here you can see a hint for the answer — I will not tell you the answer here but you will replace “enter” in the address bar with the answer so it will be whatever that answer is.html — as that is how you bring up the next level — you trigger an existing html page. For those on mobile simply add “view-source:” to the beginning of the address bar to see the code like in the image above.

Now how does this relate to the chron levels? Well I am glad you asked!

We will now navigate to

Here you will see in the bottom left hand corner “game” — you can also use but using the main site and navigating will keep the housed iframe system in place which will play from a selection of my music I have made over the years over the entire site :)

clicking the game link looks similar to the original page but gives a short synopsis of the game — I still have to add the info about the extra games added. Click the portal and away we go!

Now wE have the familiar blending game interface with the categories below (learn more about the blending game HERE) — but you will notice there back and forth arrows in the middle. Click the arrow on the right.

This next page has a rotating roster of little helpful tidbits — I will add more as I think of them. Click right arrow again.

This is the randomized lore — for every right answer you enter you get access to a limited edition (10 or 20 in total) NFT that can only be acquired through the game. Let’s keep clicking right.

Here we finally are at the chron riddles game. The chron riddles has 4 paths to it. When you start you only have access to the chron levels. But as you progress you will get access to the negative levels, the bizarro levels and the IIII levels (insanity levels) — the others all have gates you have to open but the main one is accessible. Click the green one.

You will see the same level background in the game — you might think the text above it is hard to read — just hover over it and it will become readable.

The way the riddle works is it will take the answer you give, append the html and bring up the page if it is correct — type incorrectly and press the gear to “enter” it and you will get a 404 error, along with the riddle 404 music, the same page and music you get if you type an incorrect answer in the riddle :)

When you type the CORRECT answer in (answer deliberately not shown) you will get this page:

You can see the front and the back of the “icon” — there is an icon that can be won for each level — some were originally provided in the first season at 10 each — they all have 20 total, so the earlier ones only have 10 that can be claimed, the rest 20. Just click the icons to claim them. You will See a synopsis of the level, as well as a link to the next one under its image.

Clicking the icon takes you to the drop page. Each icon costs 2chrona, and can ONLY be bought with $CHRONA. However, you need a whitelisting token first — which the link will be provided in the desc of that icon.

Click that link and you can buy it for 10 wax, it will let you claim the tokens for the entire riddle.

These will eventually net you SOME $CHRONA, but the schema is intertwined with other cards so it’ll be a while before I can sort that out — it’s not cheap to list things to have that capacity so I have to do it smartly. They are all roughly 10 wax worth.

Once you buy the whitelist piece and buy the icon for the level, THEN the secure drop warning will disappear and you will be able to claim the free blend material item

Each level will get you a progressively better and better item — with high levels getting you pieces that are worth thousands of wax! The riddle is still growing — crypto made it take a back seat for the past few years — but I am hoping to grow my blending game and the riddle game together. So yeah! Solve a riddle level, put the answer in the chronaverse game, get a prize for 2 chrona, and a free one as a bonus! Once these run out I will most likely just replace it with something else — possibly an unlimited mint consolation prize, so get them while you can, as supplies are limited! (The consolation prizes won’t earn you chrona, but the limited ones will).

And that’s it for the riddle!

We also have a forum for the riddle:

And a discord SPECIFICALLY for the riddle- as a rule the first 7 levels of the riddle are tutorial levels and we do not help until you get to level 7. But you can peruse the rooms in there to get hints from others (we had to remake the room after the hack so none of the old convos are there sadly)

Discord invite link:

(if the riddle or site is down it means I restarted my computer and forgot to turn the server on, just dm me on telegram: if that happens hehe)

Want a link that encompasses everything? Check out the Chronaverse links!

-shawn (Chronamut)-



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn