The Chronaverse BLENDING GAME! Plus other updates

The Chronaverse
15 min readAug 24, 2023


The Chronaverse — Updates since the Hack

Enter the chronaverse:


So let’s start with the new stuff:

So the chronaverse has totally restructured how it sells its nfts! So taking some inspiration from the game rplanet, the chronaverse has now opted for a blend system to create ALL new nfts. All of them. There are drops where you can buy elements to start. Unlike rplanets 4 element invention system however the chronaverse uses 6 elements, with spirit and void added.

the 6 elements — earth air fire water spirit and void

Next you use what are called “combinator cards” which allow you to fine-tune your evolutions along certain paths — rplanet kinda used these as invention steps which you’d constantly have to keep recreating — I have also made it where you can blend them progressively from elements but you can also buy combinators in packs, which also contain a small amt of elements in them too.

Combinator Pack key — contains combinator cards and elements

All commons contain only elements to make, and if you wish to “evolve them up” both in rarity and evolution you have to use combinators. There are also what are called dynamo cores which allow you cool finish like fusion elements, chrome, cybernetic, demonic skins etc. These require a dynamo interface, key and ring to blend. You get 10 of each ingredient piece when you blend the interface ring and key which will allow you to make 10 different dynamo cores. There are currently 8 to choose form. These can be blended but can also be bought on market.

an example of one of the dynamore core skin cards

Blending anything will give you at least 2 of the result — one to keep and one to “burn” — in order to rank up a card you must burn it along with using elements and combinator cards — this eliminates the danger of blend combos becoming redundant. There are several rarity levels for the game — the regular common uncommon rare, epic legendary that most are used to — these are infinite mints so the game never has to end.

Any rarity above that will be stakeable on a site that is coming soon, recreating rplanets staking environment. These will have Mythical, Celestial, Divine, Godly, Highest rarity (season 1) Deified, Beyond and 1 of 1 mint (season 1) — these will have limited mints from 60 pieces each up to naturally 1 each. As a result all you need will be in the packs and blends, which are being provided for free until october 1st — links will be provided below.

Some also require magic cards if they are some sort of transformation. These can be blended by combining all 6 elements together. They are only blendable and not available in the packs.

an example of ingredients needed for a blend. You need a dynamo core and a magic card. You get 2 results.

Going forward I will advertise them every month— which also cuts down significantly on the amt I need to advertise — allowing me to focus more on my art and less on having to promote every new piece — the links will always be the same — you’ll buy the blends or get them for free at the same links, and you can blend whatever you are missing, and the blend and pack opening links will always be the same. There will also be a google docs which shows the paths and the blend ingredients you need for each piece making it easier to keep track of.

I will break down how the interface works a bit here — which you can access here:

The blend link will be here:

The pack opening link will be here:

To Blend (buy links): Packs: (WAX, DUST, XYTE):

Elements: WAX:



THE FREE NFTS: We originally for 3 months of the game opening had it as you could weekly claim 6 nfts if you held 4 regular nfts of the chronaverse in your wallet (any nfts)! This allowed our core members to build up cards to be able to do some comfortable blend runs as the game was being beta tested and built. Then when we went into alpha it was reduced to bi-monthly and weekly, and now it has been retired entirely so that the game can profit and pay the ram changes for space that dling the drops and blend pieces uses up for the collection — operating costs if you will.

Now we have a starters pack

(Yes I know I have a lot of tabs open, so sue me lol, I like to multi-task)

To claim the free drop to start in the chronaverse game you must have in your wallet already at least 4 chronaverse nfts to claim the drop — which means you gotta shell out some cash — that and the drop is one time only — you get one of each element, a magic card, 6 packs (with 6 nfts in each of either combinators or element cards) a dynamo core interface key and infusion ring which when combined and blended together will give you one dynamo core finish which can be used for blending nfts with cool skins.

drop link here:

Also if you wanna easily blend you can buy the 60 pack — 10 of each element for 120 wax — so 2 wax each — same price as singular but more convenient to buy from:

track blends here:

this is what the google docs looks like and what you will use to follow along. It will evolve as more are added.

So yeah that’s it for the new blend game! It will be really cool because it’s like yu gi oh! combined with pokemon combined with digimon. You will start with base beings and creatures and you can evolve them up or down, or combine them together into cool hybrid creatures! It’s going to take a looong time to grow though but the point is to be able to blend along with me as I go. I hope you all enjoy it! It’s sorta meant to recreate the rplanet invention/staking system :)

The Chronaverse — Breakdown of the game

But yeah the game is basically in alpha now — there are also areas in the game that are locked because the images are “too sexy” for mortal eyes — for these you will have to look in the “unlockable content” of the legendary card on atomichub to find the key — take the key and enter it into the password box in the game and it will unlock the card — the card is only 5 mint available making it the second rarest rarity in the entire game below 1 of 1 mint, so gobble these up while you can! Only one available to blend per person though.

So here is a breakdown of the interface:

This is the main page — the grey text outlined in the yellow box allows you to always return to this page as you are navigating so its like a “game home” link. Very useful when you’re quite far down evolutionary paths.

So currently there are 2 pages of “categories” but as more are added more pages will be added — due to limitations in iframe dynamic lengths and how the side is coded each page holds max 10 categories. Each of these contain more of their type, evolve dup or down or eventually combined to create fusions.

You then click any of them to go forward. We will leave the top one alone for now as that is a scene category — it involves combining the races categories with scenes from the “nature and beauty” category which are beautiful themed backgrounds to create an overall scene with beings interacting. Those are all limited mint rarities — the other categories are unlimited to allow the game to function forever.

So let’s choose the “dangerous dragonians” — click it and you will notice the image above changes — it shows the name and the rarity. Clicking the image above will also take you to my official gallery entry of it where you can buy it in real life.

Now let’s focus on the buttons.

2) Blend button — this will take you to the blend entry on nefty to blend the piece. Most of the character nfts will blend you 2 results — one to keep, one to burn for the next step.

3) Buy button — this will show you if there are any on market to buy (usually not but sometimes yes for commons) — this can quicken the time for further blending pieces as past common you ALWAYS need to burn one of the 2 blend pieces you made previously.

4) EVOLVE button — the most important button in the game, clicking this button will bring up the next step of evolutions which are usually one rarity higher than the previous one. In the second image you can see you have 2 options — one is available the other is locked. Some paths have to be done in a specific order to unlock the other paths, meandering all over the place.

Most actions involve clicking one of the images below and then clicking the evolve button back and forth until you reach the end of the path.

5) Back button — this allows you to undo both the above and below actions from both windows — useful when you want to go back and go down another path.

6) Docs Button — this allows you to view the google docs for the game which is a rather comprehensive list of every blend available as well as the blend and buy links for everything in the game including the combinators and the elements links — lets you see things like org charts of races, list of players playing and much more. If you need to find a link for the game, you will find it here!

And from there you just keep clicking back and forth, exploring all you can within the game! And that’s about it! New things are constantly being added, so keep your eyes peeled!

Here are some blend pieces you can create:

elf — common blend — need only elements:
Fire mech draconian — requires combinator cards and a dynamo core and a magic card:
bros — requires several steps to get to of burning cards before it and combinator cards:
The winding trail — only requires elements and combinator cards:

I decided AGAINST an rplanet invention type system as they didn’t feel fun to me and it’s confusing enough as it is — so as it stands its a game where you click — and the next legs of the evolution show themselves — then you can blend, buy, evolve, go back or look at the docs as you evolve all the way down to the end of each path — or skip paths and hybridize with other creatures eventually :)

Some evolutions will be dead ends — some will go to legendary and beyond — and some will cross over with other species which means you will be able to evolve from multiple angles. I maaay make it so if you click blend it shows below all the ingredients you need and clicking those brings up the combinator page with links etc but I will see how that goes — I would like it so that going forward all you need is the interface to peruse blends and to make whatever blend you like — this gives a fun way to explore evolutions without me needing to promote anything and without it being a chore for you to find stuff :)

The game was made to be specifically FOR mobile so people can click click and scroll lazily while doing whatever and finding my stuff :)

So think of yourselves as beta testers for now for the game — and if you have any suggestions for the game feel free to toss them by me and I’ll see if it’s feasible :)

The doc exists in case I die basically — as it will remain forever but my site will eventually go offline — the blends are up for 10 years so theyll all expire in 2034. The goal is for eventually there to be so many evolve options you get lost — kinda a boredom alleviating game while you’re on your phone. So it will be available not just for crypto people but anyone who wishes to play — and the bonus is if you click the images in the top window it will link you to the piece on my site where you can buy it and frame it in real life!

Thus you profit, I profit, and my art becomes a fun thing to peruse through and gets a massive amount of exposure — this was sort of the ultimate end of the collection, and it will grow and maintain this way from here. Eventually I will add more options like legacy blends and drops from the interface so that everything can be perused from the interface :)

The Chronaverse: After The Hack

So last year was.. HELL. After the hacker got into my collection I had to have it blacklisted. The collection was still connected to rplanet so the hacker got fat off of mass producing nfts to stake and got rich off the aether, even though the collection was still blacklisted.

He got into my computer, my bank account everything. I had to spend months kicking him out of everything. When rplanet staking ended he then tried to blackmail me — msging me on telegram offering me my hacked email back for 500 dollars, then claiming he had compromising pics of me and trying to blackmail money out of me. I told him where to go and he blocked me. He continues to try to scam people from my old wams.

As a result I no longer use wax chain wallet — they could not help me recover anything and so now I use anchor wallet — as it allows me to keep my private key and reclaim my account if anything of that sort ever happens again. I had been advised to change it in the past but when a collection is tied to something its not easy to transfer everything over. This gave me no choice.

So I recreated the collection, got it whitelisted, and started the slooooow process of reminting everything and sending it to people. Since the old collection was blacklisted I couldn’t just automate send stuff new airdropped pieces — I had to do it manually, piece by piece, user by user. And since many of my pieces were still staked on rplanet it means I had to click into each entry to see who the actual wam was as it just showed as rplanet general wallet. It took FOREVER.

I also had to update my site and change all the links, and remake a lot of the old drops. I finally got to around the 50% restored point recently and thus started to work on recreating the old blends. I call anything before the hack either legacy or season 1 stuff.

Those pieces I streamlined the blend cards used to make them and all placed then within the old master key nft

the master key:

I also updated my site significantly — so now all drops and blends can be accessed properly on my site:



this contains all the drops and blends needed to create everything for season 1, and the new game. I also made a new a’ar-quintas piece which was always the logo for the collection — bigger, badder, more fiery — back with a vengeance!

A’ar Quintas — bigger badder, FIERIER!

— — —

Originally I had been making drops for each new thing I made and it was good — I got some good sales, but I knew it was not going to be sustainable as the drops page would get more and more unwieldy. So I started to build the new chronaverse game I mentioned above. Once those pieces all get back properly in place The chronaverse will be back up to its old power, with its massive steam engines moving!

For those that don’t know, the chronaverse was one of the very first collections on atomichub, and one of the first music and art galleries on the site! The collection still has SOME utility — with its pieces being useable in the game and the sonic discmen being the highest valued thing in that game (they play music and spin, very cool)

a sonic discman — you can buy them and listen to their songs here:

As I said at this point the collection is at 50% — most of the more important schemas have been remade — some will not or will be merged into others. Other pieces can no longer be re-uploaded due to either mistakes in the past or copyright infringements that would no longer be acceptable. Sorry about this, but sacrifices have to be made..

Many did not think I would survive the hack, as the chronaverse before the hack was already extremely vast.. but I dragged myself through the muck, and came out stronger for it. I learned more photoshop and programs like zbrush to make new pieces and new styles. Unfortunately this was also the time AI came out in full force so I had to prove my mettle, even though I had already been making traditional work..

My zbrush model for the piece I did below
my final result

I also experimented in doing my older stuff in 3d, just for fun, but the requirements for doing it became too large and resource-requiring, like trying to make a’ar quintas in 3d:

it was super cool to see him in 3d though :)
his original images in ms paint

Most people did not realize that everything in season 1 of the chronaverse, that is before the hack, was done over a 30 year range, from when Iwas 14 years old up until recent. I also didn’t post it in any particular order which I am sure confused a great many people and made them think I was being lazy or my quality was going up and down.. but the truth was everything I did was top of the line at the age I made it..

my oldest piece I did when I was 14

Thus I had people who used to stalk me taunting me that my art sucked, not realizing it was so old.. haters..

But doing so much art on paper takes its toll. I literally have piles of my artwork sitting in heaps because I have nowhere to put it. In addition my scanner finally crapped out which means I can no longer upload any of my old work.

Thus I have switched entirely to photoshop/3d to do all my future stuff. It’s alright, and it allows me to make things much.., MUCH, quicker.

I still have more templates and schemas to remake and I will slowly trickle those back out, so if you still have blacklisted stuff of mine don’t throw it out! I will remint and airdrop it to you eventually, unless it is a copyrighted piece which I can no longer do. I have been able to bring the telegram contest pieces back online. Some things I still cannot bring online yet because the schemas are not fully remade, like the mystery boxes, but they will come! They will come..

apologies for graininess, they were all originally mp4s which medium doesn’t recognize.. had to convert to gif..

Mystery boxes will most likely contain the harder to get combinator ingredients as well as dynamo core stuff and maybe some other cool things like discman etc :)

and that’s it! Progress is going well! Slowly rebuilding the fanbase and making it more about the art and less about the utility! I thank all of you, esp. those who helped the chronaverse get back on its feed by donating to the ram and other things — it really helped me get back on my feet!

if you wish to peruse the chronaverse here is the official link:

all the links and social media links you need are on that page — and you can listen to my music as you peruse! Enjoy!

the chronaverse official site

You can also learn more about its roots and the lore — contests has been replaced with lore. Enjoy! The browse section will show what has been restored and what has not of the legacy images. It is no longer updated with new stuff as the system has switched to the new blend system. Eventually the home button will probably be replaced with the game with the images as thumbnails to easily access. I am still building that — and it may eventually have its own interface to blend stuff too, we shall see.

so thanks for sticking around!




The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn