Cards Now Drip $CHRONA! Also You can now BUY the blend results straight up!*

The Chronaverse
20 min readMay 23, 2024


But like with all things, there is a price to pay..

The doc — access this page from the table of contents of the main game doc and click “BUY AS DROPS” near the top. Click HERE to access it.

FINALLY! The long awaited day, the day that the Chronaverse cards actually pay out $CHRONA!

Before you read this article be sure to read this one that explains all the utility you can use with the $CHRONA coin — this will prevent assumptions it has no value and just dumping of the coin on market — you can use it to buy stuff, so do!

Going forward, not only can you BUY the cards that have already been blended, but those cards will now also award you with $CHRONA! Multiply any drop cost piece by 0.00001, or divide by 100000 to get the amt it will drip hourly!

For example a piece that costs 100 wax will drip 0.001 $CHRONA an hour. This may not seem like much, but they will stack and the more you create the more you earn! However, there is a catch. We can’t have this be exponential or we actually risk running out of $CHRONA one day and severely devaluing the token.

So to counter this there will be a system:

From creation to year 1 of season: 100% will be maintained
Year 1 to year 2: 75% will be maintained
Year 2 to year 3: 50% will be maintained
Year 3 to year 4: 25% will be maintained
Year 4: 0% will be maintained, as the “deposit” will be depleted.

(since this is starting NOW all pieces created in the past year are technically considered being created NOW so they won’t drop to 75% until next year)

Each template card will have its own “deposit” — the template doesn’t share a deposit — each “card” will have its own. So every card will have 4 years of mining ability until it is exhausted, then its price to buy will be reduced to what it would be if it did not mine anything.

This will function like a combination of the DUST ecosystem and the RPLANET invention system. You can accrue $CHRONA and use it to buy more “$CHRONA DRIP” cards — increasing your drip power. Due to the decay system above people will have to keep blending and/or buying drops to keep their accrual power up.

There are pros and cons to both options, blending and buying:


Pros: it’s overall cheaper as you can find deals on items on market, and first time users get a free one time only drop pack in the drops area to help them out. Commons do NOT award CHRONA to prevent abuse from non-game playing members. Blending can also get you more cards, as buying will only get you one. You can also only buy a piece if it was blended first. As a bonus those who blend the #1 mint of a card in Mythical or up rarity will be awarded 5 CHRONA for each #1 they make, thus incentivizing blending higher rarity pieces. (I’ll probably give you some sorta prize for any #1 mint you make if you dm me on telegram with proof you made it)

Cons: it is EXTREMELY TIME CONSUMING to blend anything, and some people just hate the blending process. In addition if you are the first to blend an evolution line, you sometimes have to blend things twice, as legendary and up will only grant you one card, and you don’t want to burn a #1 mint, as you need to burn the card before to move up on most paths. Paths can also diverge a bunch and you can end up having to blend several pieces in succession, just to get to where you want to end up.


Pros: The time you save cannot be understated — blends can take hours, if not days to get to what you want, as you scrounge for the right items and deals etc. In addition if you only want one piece for your collection it is much more convenient. Also the price of the previous piece to “burn” when blending has been removed, thus making it cheaper for a one time purchase. Thus it’s only the 6 nft “blending” price you are paying, not that plus the price of the previous piece which blending would factor in.

Cons: you only get ONE result of anything you buy, where you often get 2 or more by blending. Long term? It’s more expensive to buy them this way as you are not slowly creating them through blending, but paying a one time flat fee. Upon saying this however, I HAVE tried to make them as cheap as I could make them, always rounding down when I can, and not rounding up when I have the choice, so I have done my part to help you out there.

The other con is you can only buy a piece that someone else has already blended, and thus “unlocked” — this allows those who blend to still earn the #1 mint instead of just buying it, and keeps the blending system I painstakingly worked on in play still, vs everyone just buying the drops.

Ultima dragon — currently the only 1 of 1 mint piece in the game, it currently lacks some of the steps needed to blend, but that step can be won in packs, and it can also be bought for 17000 wax off drop — options!

There is one exception. 1 of 1 mint pieces, like ultima gem dragon will be able to be both blended OR bought, since the price is so large that most people won’t be able to afford to buy it, but realistically, as they earn more $CHRONA this may change — the higher the rarity, the more you get to gain.

— —

So how would a smart person use this? They would use a combination of both the buying and the blending system, buying cheaper pieces, and, as they accrue more $CHRONA using the $CHRONA to buy more expensive stuff. Blending when you got time to save money, and buying to save you time. For example anything in the dragon line above Legendary requires star nova cards which are a NIGHTMARE to blend — but cost on average 200–400 wax to buy — which to some may be seen as an acceptable sacrifice. I have noted people will spend up to 10x the original price of something if it saves them steps.


I was getting to that. Unfortunately the system we were going to use encountered a snafu with the programmer getting too swamped to work on it, and since I promised a system, we are going to go the WAXDAO farm route. Unfortunately in its current.. incarnation the farm will show LITERALLY EVERY ID that you can stake, which means you’re gonna have to know the id of the piece.

You can access the “buy as drops” area HERE.

In the drops area of the doc you will see a column for template id, as well as they will be listed in the description of the drops as well.

you can see the link to the waxdao farm there as well.

Then, with your id in hand, you can go to the WAXDAO farm to stake your piece!

use the browser search to search for your id, then stake!


Have it scan your wallet for the piece, then stake it! Now this isn’t enough however, it will accrue on the site, but you will have to claim it manually.

You will have to sign into the site, and click your user icon at the top right, then go to Inventory.

Then you will see a page like this — click Tools.

Tools, the one.. under.. tools..

And then you are going to click Claim Rewards.

I have more than one collection cuz I’m special :P

You will have 2 options, token, and NFT, click Claim All for both.

Mine will be under NFT farms, but if you also have any of my token farms you can claim both this way — super simple!

Once you do that you can go to the blends or drops area of the Chronaverse and use that chrona to buy stuff, or stake it in the token farms mentioned in other medium posts on here — be sure to read all the Chronaverse medium articles! :)

You can gamble with it — use it to buy items, or blend items, get mystery boxes or chron riddle bonuses etc! Lots to spend it on! You can also buy raffle tickets with it to win things like framed 1 of 1 mint cards that ALSO earn you $CHRONA! Lots of ways to earn!

So Why did You Provide Pieces as Drops?

Why? Because I have listened to the feedback from those who are fans of the chronaverse and were long time fans, and it goes something like this:

  1. This blending game is too complicated shawn! I can’t figure it out!
  2. I hate blending games! I just wanna buy the piece I want!
  3. The blending is taking me HOURS! I hate this!
  4. Tell me how to play in a way I don’t have to read or do anything
  5. Whats the point of all this for something that doesn’t have utility?

And I understand, it’s a lot. Unfortunately after a while you just CAN’T condense things enough. However I HAVE made a LINKS part of my site that condenses everything you can possibly need for the chronaverse — so feel free to use that :)

And yes I get it, with todays instant gratification phones culture people just wanna get it without being bogged down by the details. The blend game was meant to add adventure as well as properly stacked value to pieces, as well as allow the cards to drip chrona.

Now with utility up (I am putting it up as I go, so not all pieces are active yet, use the doc to keep tabs on what is and isn’t active please) I can provide the best of both worlds to everyone. You realize when you see the prices though, all those blending steps makes it not cheap!

Buuut back on topic:

Get On with it Shawn, How do I BUY the NFTS??

Alright alright, so as I mentioned in the image above, the doc for the game now will list ALL the pieces in the collection. Let’s break it down:

Column A: Name of the piece — it links to the blend area in the doc for it.

Column B: Rarity of the piece — this explains the price increases.

Column C: Price in WAX — What most people care about

Column D: Price in DUST — what most of my blenders care about lol

Column E: Price in NEFTY — to add diversity since most is on neftyblocks.

Column F: Price in USDT — VERY useful to gauge overall value.

Column G: Price in CHRONA — Self explanatory — chronaverse coin value.

Column H: Price in WUF — To help the WUF ecosystem

Column I: Drop link for each piece — this is where you go to “buy” it.

Column J: Market link for each piece — can get some good deals.. for now.

There was originally Xyte too but I took it down for reasons I will disclose later..

Column K: Calculated price for each piece —this column references where in the google doc the actual price came from, calculated with complicated Chronaverse algorithms to get you the best price. All prices are bare and you can peruse the doc to see why things cost what they do by analyzing the code.

Column L: Activation Status for each piece — this shows you which pieces are currently dripping chrona, and eventually their nerf rate. Commons show as N/A because they do not earn CHRONA.

Column M: Template ID — you need this to know for the farm to stake your piece, as it currently just shows every id ever on one page that is stakeable on the farm.

Column N: Drip Price for each piece — this is calculated per hour, and shows you how much drip you earn hourly from your piece. ALL pieces use the same calculation except for the spawn of a’ar quintas pieces, as those are a separate organism.

Column O-S: Market Calculations for Dust, Nefty, USDT, Chrona and WUF — I periodically update this — this is how much each is worth compared to one WAX and when changed will cascade through the entire doc changing all the prices automatically.

Why do you have so many tokens listed Shawn?

Why that’s a very interesting answer — it is because drops now have the ability to list MULTIPLE tokens, all in ONE drop! Yes you can now choose which to pay with instead of needing a separate drop per token which was annoying.. but this brings up another problem..

This handsome man can be bought for all these tokens, but are all tokens equal?

Now you can see how it looks when you buy, you can choose from options, but those prices will fluctuate.. aaand as it stands nefty is not equipped with oracles to adjust prices to wax automatically, so those prices as it stand will RAPIDLY become out of date — XYTE was fluctuating so wildly I had to take it down as the price differences were so vast — so for now I am going to have to periodically keep track of prices manually and adjust or risk extreme differences in prices.

But it’s a small price to pay for convenience. On the list there are some that say NSFW and thus cannot be bought — this is because I cannot stop the telegram bots from posting it in rooms unfiltered which could get me in trouble in those rooms, so for now they can only be blended until I can find out some sort of a workaround..

Will we be able to Buy ALL OTHER Pieces Shawn?

The short answer is no. In order to not make my blends all a waste of time I have decided on a compromise solution.

Only nfts blended already will be able to be bought as drops.

Anything else will have to be blended to get the #1 and #2 or just #1 mint. Anything above legendary that is #1 minted will be awarded 5 $CHRONA token each #1 mint to encourage blending — that’s roughly 80 wax value each #1 mint as we speak — $CHRONA continues to rise in cost.

Price of token as we speak.

Naturally as more time goes by 5 chrona may end up being a substantial amt — so it still pays to blend.

In addition to the actual nfts the blend ingredients can also be bought- magic and passion can be bought for 12 wax and 50 wax respectively — and all the dynamo cores in all their stages can also be bought.

You will see in the above image that “the artist”, a mythical blend, is not available until blend is made — they will still be listed, but there will be no drop link available until someone blends it first, THEN I will make a drop link for it. They get their bonus of chrona and new people get ease of buying it as a bonus.

You Mentioned Something About a Price to Pay” Shawn..

That I did.

I did the best I could to shave down the prices, but as things get up in rarity THEY GET EXPENSIVE. This is simply because I have factored in all the blending steps needed to make it and the price of each of them.

This was hard to calculate as the price of combining everything from elements alone is not the same as getting them from packs and buying them off market, which can significantly reduce prices. Add in that every new person gets some free nfts that they can sell and it really tosses it up.

So long story short some of the prices of the pieces as drops may be more, or less, or equal to what it could cost to blend, HOWEVER, you will only get one piece of anything from drops, whereas if you blend it, you will get two, all the way up to legendary, of which you only get one. This is more just for people who just want a one-off piece.

So it may be over all worth it to buy the more expensive pieces as drops, but it’s a big overall investment. The pieces now ALL drip $CHRONA token, but as we mentioned there will are controls in places where they are nerfed each season so new ones can take center stage and we don’t end up with mega-whales who just buy everything with $CHRONA and then the collection has no profits lol. Think of it like each one is mining chrona and eventually itll run out for each card, but in the meantime you may get a ton.

The 1 of 1 mints will be buyable, and are the only exception to the “need to blend first” rule as naturally once blended they are done. But to buy them is ASTRONOMICAL in price (17000 wax currently), and you can most likely get them for cheaper by blending, but as it stands not all the steps are in place to blend them.

At the moment only the chronaverse game pieces are included for drips — not regular pieces or season 1 pre-hack blends, but I plan to put those up eventually too for the legacy people :) — I might put the discmans up as well, as those were hot items on rplanet. Any “ordinary” piece that drips will most likely only give the minimum of .0001 chrona an hour, except for discmans which will probably give around 0.003 to reflect their old prices.

So What’s the Goal Shawn?

I am hoping that people who only want one of the pieces will use the drops, or marketplace, and blenders will use a combination of buying ingredients from market and drops to save time and blending to save money. That’s the goal right now.

I can’t make the prices any lower than they are — I rounded down significantly and used the lowest option for each result — the calculations can actually be seen in the blend tabs at the far end of each piece that has been calculated so you can understand the calculations yourself if you wish — nothing is hidden from you.

The higher blends have hundreds and in some cases thousands of wax trimmed off to try to be the fairest, but for the amt of $CHRONA token they will drip and the amt of blending steps they require they HAVE to be expensive, so keep that in mind. The rarities very much reflect the price. Anything above Legendary rank is gonna stack for money value.

I had originally priced them by the cost of actually blending each step, which lead to some astronomical prices below:

But then I decided to factor in the cost of the same ones on market and was able to drive down the prices SIGNIFICANTLY.

As you can see some of the rarities are missing which would fill in the price jumps, but the prices stack considerably esp near the end. Celestial and godly are missing which would make it step up more smoothly if they existed. Depending on their amazingness or blend requirements some skip rarities to reflect the power of the rarities blended together.

All the rarities

Anything above legendary is also more because the rarities are LIMITED — anything from common to legendary are infinite mint — but above that its 60 mint all the way to 1 of 1 mints. So those will naturally be more expensive.

Shawn, You can link to parts of the doc you Moron..

Oh right! It just occurred to me I can link to a cell — so if you wish to buy these as drops here is the link SPECIFICALLY to the drops:

And once again the link to the LINKS page which gives you all that you need in a handy one page non-scrollable list:

Now you may have questions — we have a discord, but I don’t pay attention there much haha — it is best to contact me on telegram if you have pressing questions:

You can also keep track of our weekly twitter giveaways as well, where you can win FRAMED 1 of 1 nfts that will ALSO drip you chrona as long as you provide your wam, join the telegram, research the links and rt and share and tag at least 3 people. You can find those here:


Main twitter table of contents:

that link provides container tweets that themselves have their own list of things.

Now one step down is the freebies:

this one will show every weeks link so you can see what you need — I will largely leave this up to you, although there is also a twitter message board I can add users to if they wish to keep up to date with anything new from the Chronaverse.

Keep mind due to slowness of sales and also me having a life every year I will more or less go on “vacation”from the months of june to the end of august. At this point the collection will more or less go on autopilot with reduced functions, new things and all contests will be put on hold. New stuff may still be outputted every now and then but most work will be operational, aka in the background.

And that’s it! So now you can buy OR blend! And get cool free stuff if you’re lucky! The freebies are to bring fresh blood into the Chronaverse as you gotta tag people to qualify and those people will hopefully join our ranks!

Shawn, What are you Using all those Wax Profits For..?

Glad you asked! I don’t actually profit from the collection at all. I recycle everything I earn and put it back into the Chronaverse. As of now a lot of the profits are going into putting up the waxdao farms needed for staking $CHRONA token as well as the waxdaos needed to award people chrona, and the rest is going into increasing the liquidity value of the coin so people can buy more and also cash out for more money as the value rises and falls.

Upon saying that however I am NOT advertising the coin as a for-profit thing — the coin is SPECIFICALLY meant to be used in the game PRIMARILY — any other profits are merely bonus and you understand you may lose everything if you try to invest in this. THIS COIN IS NOT A SECURITY. And to hammer that point home I have made a legal document to highlight this:

“I” have not cashed out a single cent of wax value the entire time I have made the collection. It is simply been done to increase the collection, increase the community and provide value to others. Now that is not to say I don’t have my own profit agenda — but it is not tied to crypto or my coin at all.

So What’s the Profit Goal then Shawn, if it’s not Through Crypto?

Well, my goal is to simply use my collection as one giant bit of advertising. Before crypto I was already in a lot of things. I make music, I make art.

Thus the goal is to slowly expose those who enter the chronaverse to those things. You will find that some of the nfts play my music, this is a teaser for you.

You can find my music on all the online stores, youtube music, itunes etc under the monikor “chronamut” — that has been my username online since 2003 and is thus branded to me — hence the name the “CHRONAverse” and the CHRONA token — all branding!

3/4s of my sales come from spotify alone — I have made a playlist of all of my music which you can listen to here:


However I ask you actually click into Spotify and don’t just listen to the embedded playlist — Spotify is sneaky — you see you need at least 30 seconds of any song to get paid in royalties, and the playlist.. plays 29 seconds, unless the site has https capability. Thus for most embeds, I don’t get paid, bastards! Lol.

But my music is my main breadwinner as the profits are monthly and steady. The others, are not so steady but can be huge amts if the right people buy them:


After 19 years of basically ignoring DeviantArt I decided to put all my work up as I do in crypto and make it so you can buy the digital download of this — this allows you to also own the full sized piece (it’s still copyrighted through my gallery site and DeviantArt though, so don’t try to resell it lol.. you don’t have the rights to do anything with it, I am stating that right here if it ever boils down to it legally)

Deviantart link:


And finally you can actually buy it from my gallery where the piece will be printed and framed and shipped to you! There are shipping locations all over the world so it won’t be a huge amt coming from nowhere. But this is where my BIG sales come from. You get to choose from several sizes and things to print it on — want it on a beach towel? No problem! Jigsaw puzzle? Phone case? Metal piece for wall? Wood? We got tons of options and different sizes too!

The prices can be hefty at the higher prices but that’s because a good chunk of the price goes towards the matting framing and operational work of putting it together. My price is then tagged on TOP of that.

You can buy all my work from my gallery here:

The goal is to have these increase so much I can simply live off the residuals they generate once I retire and I can just keep making great stuff for you without being distracted! As it stands I run several side businesses and also have a full time day job, so I am busy.. always busy.. very very busy..

I am New to the Chronaverse, What Kind of Art/Music is it?

Welcome new Chronamite! The Chronaverse has a lot of sci/fi but mainly fantasy type pieces, but there is also a big “androsexual” element to it — lots of big burly strong manly creatures, but also beautiful slender female creatures! Lots of beautiful scenery and lush colours in Victorian and renaissance type styles as well as cool hybrids, fusions, and mythological creatures! The blending game was meant to allow the user to play god — to explore evolution and combine creatures together, and is a very long work in progress. You can still play the blending game if you wish — you can find it in the LINKS.

There is a lot of lore too as the Chronaverse is an entire universe which spans billions of years and countless inhabited worlds which will be fleshed out over time.

You can find the official site at — be sure to check out the other medium articles HERE as well as you will need a lot of knowledge to fully immerse yourself into it — once you do however it can get quite addictive, and even lucrative with cool giveaways!


My name is Shawn Dall — I am an artist that has been doing art in the real world for almost 40 years. I come from a family of artists, some famous. I have done every art medium I can think of and been in shows galleries restaurants and have my work hanging in peoples homes. Crypto is just my latest foray. I used to do all my stuff in real life but now i have mainly switched to digital, mainly zbrush and photoshop, as it is easier. Some of my art borders on the “artistic nude” but I really just love to explore anatomy and form. It’s not necessarily sexual for me hehe..

..and that’s it, enjoy! I’ll leave you with the last piece made at this point in the chronaverse:

The Artist:



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn