CHRON-QUEST Broken Down— How to Apply

The first month has gone by, players have been awarded chrona, how do you get in on the action?

The Chronaverse
11 min readAug 8, 2024
Unobtanium, the rarest element in the game

So you want to get in on chron-quest eh? The first month has now gone by, and 20,000 wax worth of $CHRONA was awarded to the winners, not bad!

Well you are going to need a few criteria:


  1. You will need at LEAST 50 $CHRONA to qualify. At no time are you allowed to have less than 50 $CHRONA in your wallet, or you will disqualify yourself. Having less than 50 while in a round will penalize you 3% of your total hoard amt every day you are under.
  2. You need to have at least 1 of every troop type — they are sorted by elements — you can view the types HERE and HERE. Ideally you should blend or buy one of EACH troop — that would be around 200 — but ideally ideally? You should have at least 60 of each troop element type for maximum experience. There are 12 activated, 15 total (3 types aren’t out yet).
    You can view them visually and how each evolve HERE. Only common-legendary are eligible as troops, but anything higher CAN be special summoned.
  3. You need to be making money consistently in WAX. You need to constantly (or at least consistently, aka daily) be growing in $CHRONA or you will be penalized in the game. Growing earns you tiers which earns you chests with things needed to advance in the game. High rollers and/or collection owners are ideal to play. Easy way to keep your chrona growing if you are a collection is to make a drop/drops in wax and passively gain that way.
Troop types

Ok I have my troops, I have my $CHRONA, am I eligible?

Well that depends. We do a new round at the beginning of every month — so unless you apply near the end you will have to wait until the NEXT month to be eligible. At this point we see who has been inactive and replace those users with new users. Being inactive or not having troops will disqualify you. Going forward those without troops won’t even be able to apply as we need it for the battle simulator.

So what can you do? You can buy gems in the meantime. Gems in the game allot you a base amt of chrona that you are guaranteed going into the battle simulator. They are also raw materials used to make more complex gems and also weapons accessories and armor, which increase your battle stats and can give you crazy powers!

Explain The battle simulator?

The battle simulator

So at the end of each month, your troops battle each other! If you have been increasing your chrona and opening chests from tier ranks you reach you may even have special weapons and armor and accessories that give you an edge! Sugar Queen Janice, our highest user for example, has a darkness ring and a ring of chaos, which gives her some insane powers! In the last round she summoned one of the highest dragons in the game which OBLITERATED her target before they even fought!

Sugar OBLITERATING sub by special summoning beyond gem dragon with her ring of chaos accessory — 13700 hp to his 950 user health for 12750 points of over-damage! (10% of that is gained as experience)

This is why you need troops — the more troops you have in all elemental categories the more damage and experience you can gain — experience levels you up and increases all your stats, as well as your health, which allows you to earn more $CHRONA and weather attacks by your enemy— this combined with the ratio of difference between the amt of $CHRONA you have at the beginning of the month and end of the month will determine just how much $CHRONA you walk home with at the end of the month.

So to step it down — on each end one elemental type is randomly selected for each player from their roster, hence why you have to have at least one of each element type to qualify.

Then elemental weaknesses and strengths are calculated — certain elements are stronger and weaker than others

Then accessories are calculated and turns are calculated — weaker troops always go first — if they are even then weaker health goes first.

After all that is determined then the troops fight! Whoever is stronger wins! Accessories may also trigger at this point.

After that then the users battle each other directly!

Weaker opponent goes first, then stronger one — any over-damage will be taken as a percentage of experience. Experience is mainly gotten through troop battles. you get one extra turn per “tier” (bronze, silver gold etc) so if your player isn’t destroyed the first round you will have a second and third troop round etc. You only get player experience if you win as well as if you do over-damage to the player, and that’s only a percentage of the amt of over-damage.

So how do I get $CHRONA?

1 of 2 ways — you can either buy troops and stake them in the waxdao, which will ern you chrona per hour, but will take forever if you are a beginner, or you can BUY it.

Best way is on alcor, either through Direct Market or Liquidity Pool Swap

You can also buy it on WaxOnEdge — as you can see the token is pretty high — valued at between 18–20 wax each.

If you are a collection, make a drop for chrona! Make SEVERAL drops for chrona! Easy way to keep your chrona growing and buys happening on alcor to keep the coin high!


Ok so you have now qualified, you got your troops — you may have even been ambitious and blended or bought every single troop in the game, which atm is 200 or so odd troops — or maybe you made 60 of each troop to even it out which would be about 720 troops — now what? Well first things first, you will need to join the telegram — as that is where all the action is, and it allows me to communicate with all of the players and assign you your username to your wallet id.

Now we explain the LEADERBOARD page


As of now only 8 people can qualify for CHRON-QUEST — those who still lack the amt needed are listed below the top 8, and those that were disqualified for not meeting criteria, or being idle, are listed below that.

At the beginning of the month what is called a “snapshot” is taken of everyone’s chrona at the time — they are then ranked by largest to smallest amt of chrona. This affects what is doled out — 1st place gets the best of everything.

1) Column A: The users telegram username

2) Column B: The Tier Rank level — you can see all the ranks HERE.

3) Column C: Rank: — The order placed by highest to lowest $CHRONA

4) Column D: Wallet Address — links to the users spreadsheet

5: Column E: $CHRONA amt at snapshot

6: Column F: Current $CHRONA amt — this is ratio’ed to col E for payout

7: COLUMN G: Demultiplier — applied if your amt is less than or = prev. days

8: COLUMN H: Multiplier — applied if your amt is greater than prev. days

9: COLUMN I: Penalty — 3% each day applied if amt under 50

10: COLUMN J: Tier Rank currently at

11: COLUMN K: Next Tier Rank

12: COLUMN L: Highest Tier Rank — for those who have fallen in $CHRONA

12: COLUMN M: Experience- awarded from monthly battles

12: COLUMN N: Level- awarded from monthly experience

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Next you will need to provide me with a valid google email so that I can add you to the google doc where your sheet will be made.

Your Personalized Sheet

Once you qualify you will be given a personalized sheet with a “greeting” colour — this will reflect the colour dragon your tab represents — this is sugar’s sheet, and she is the “garnet dragon” because of the pink.

You can see she has some experience and is now level 5. Her chrona is at the top as is her snapshot amount.

You have 4 main ways of growing chrona:

  1. Your level/health — increasing this raises the calculations of chrona before the battle, which has a complicated system to add up which is multiplied by your existing chrona.
  2. Your multiplier levels — certain nfts give you multiplier bonuses — having them will give you positive ones, not having them will give you negative bonuses. Much of the chronaverse before the game (season 1 and 2) are included in these multipliers. Thus all gets factored in. All is bought. All is blended. All is utilized.
  3. Your gem amts — the more gem amts you have and higher gem percentages you have the more chrona you can earn and keep. You can blend gems from gem fragments HERE or earn them in chests you get from hitting tier levels from raising your chrona.
  4. Your snapshot ratio — the ratio of how much chrona you had at start of month and end of month is your biggest way to earn chrona — you can keep resetting it back to 50 but you won’t gain tiers this way — try to blend as many troops as you can so you can grow your chrona through your hourly wages of chrona, and only occasionally use chrona to buy other things. Your green multipliers will add to this.

The goal is to NOT dump chrona, but instead buy and/or hodl it or spend it ON the chronaverse — the entire game is built to attempt to emulate this.

It is YOUR responsibility to keep all the values in the “c” column” on your spreadsheet updated as well as your current chrona amt — this will auto-fill your statistics. Then it’s just a matter of maintenance! Once you make the major troops you won’t have to make many more unless you want to compete with others who will still be growing their troops. Then just ensure your chrona grows daily :)

At the end of the month you battle it out and whatever chrona you are left with you are awarded, as well as any bonus prizes you may get for winning battles, which is usually a special card that can only be gained by winning, or a rare item. Thus it is vital your troop levels are high so you have the attack power to win, and your chrona is high so you reach high tier levels and unlock deadly new abilities!


We have 2 starter packs — the first is if you are new entirely to the chronaverse and allows you to get some free items to start blending with:

You need to have bought at least 4 nfts from the chronaverse (any 4) to be eligible for the free drop though.

Then once you have blended some stuff you can buy the troops starter pack, which will give you 1 of each “troop” element which is required to qualify:

You also get a couple of combinators in that pack too. It’s 35 CHRONA which is still a bit of a deal :)

You can buy chrona here:

here if you have rareum, galactic123’s special token:

And here if you simply wish to swap wax:

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A daily snapshot

Every day during the month I update the leaderboard — those who stayed the same get a red number, those who grew get a green one, those that fell under 50 or still are under 50 get a blue number. I update their chrona amts if they haven’t already in their spreadsheet and then I post it in the telegram detailing what has transpired, urging people to adhere to rules etc. — slowly molding people into proper players.

This is also handy way to sorta “shame” players because if they spend all their chrona, it will show. Also a way to praise players who are keeping growing — leaderboards are great for competing egos too who are trying to one up each other, so a great bit of friendly competition!

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So to summarize, you need minimum of 50 chrona, 1 of each troop type and you need to blend gems and to constantly be growing your chrona daily. Collections can do this by buying it staking troops or making drops that sell in chrona for easy passive chrona income.

If I have missed anything you can find all you need, such as blend links and ingredients here:

you can also play the game interface to easily make troops here - everything except for scene backgrounds are useable as troops:

and don’t forget to join us on telegram — if we don’t know who you are as a user we can’t add you to the game, even if you qualify — so get involved in the community!

And that’s it! Be sure to read the CHRON-QUEST article as well for a general introduction to CHRON-QUEST! Eventually we will have a whitepaper detailing all the different items and whatnot of the game, accessories, powers etc. For now you can read up on much of it in the GOOGLE DOC, which is the bible of the entire chronaverse.

Enjoy! Troops! Dragons! Booty! Battle! BABES!

The maidens — BABES!

-shawn (Chronamut)-



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn