The Chronaverse
15 min readJun 27, 2024



The Spawn of A’ar Quintas During the Great War

The Spawn of A’ar Quintas were the most powerful kaiju-class warriors to ever be created during the great war. Extremely powerful, fanatically loyal — they ravaged worlds. Upon A’ar Quintas’ defeat, they, his childen, those who were not destroyed along with him, went into hiding. Others, now soulless bodies, rained down on the planets below and ended up as monumental corpses on the landscape or buried far beneath the earth and rubble. Their bodies did not decompose.

Now it is your job to take their place! By amassing your own hoard you can summon their powers to you in the form of Rewards! Eventually you can re-animate their corpses and reporpose their forms to yourself, BECOMING the spawn of a’ar quintas, the most powerful dark dragons to ever exist! You can also collect the ones which are still alive, which can help assist you.

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There will be a few steps.

The first you already know — and that’s Blending. Please refer to the previous articles, namely how to blend, the a’ar quintas campaign, dust enhancers, and buying blend drops.

In our last medium article we touched a bit on HOARDS, but we will flesh it out more here now.


All that wonderful wonderful dragon hoard :)

A little play on words from the warcraft battle cry “for the horde!”. Hoards are what you keep in your wallet in order to gain monthly rewards. Think of yourself as a dragon in the chronaverse, and you are amassing wealth. The more wealth you have, the more additional rewards you get per month to add on top of your horde as victory spoils from the chronaverse!

the spoils you get may be blending items, they may be dust enhancers, they may be mystery boxes, a percentage of chrona, other nfts, or they may be “booty”. Certain things given to you will have multiplier values that increase your monthly “winnings” to add to your horde. It is important to note though that with the exception of the #1 mints, which can be staked — YOUR HORDE HAS TO REMAIN IN YOUR WALLET.

CHRONA token that is staked to waxdao or farms can NOT be monitored and thus cannot be included, as we use bloks to take snapshots of your wallet every month, so while you CAN stake some of your earnings, it will be taken out of your horde pile and not included in your winnings.

Let’s discuss some of the hoard stuff below.

The #1 MINTS

one of the scene results — the scene results are always more majestic as they are the “final” result, meant to represent a finished painting.

The chronaverse has a certain.. structure. The blends are all done to generally create ingredients — that are individual beings and scene backgrounds. You then combine them together into scenes, and THESE are the final results. They are all of limited mints, and thus they are the most valuable. The #1 mints especially.

It will be your job to collect #1 mints in the blending/buying game. The “Races and realms” scenes are the most important, although you will get rewards for other #1 mints you collect as well. Fortunately you can now also just BUY #1 scene mints. Only the #1 mints will get you earnings though. The other mints will just drip you chrona. These CAN be staked.

having any #1 mint in your “hoard” will allow for bonuses to be given to you, but #1 mints of the scenes will give you BIGGER bonuses. The more you have the cooler stuff you may get, like perhaps 1 of 1 mint framed pieces, which can also be staked. Amassing enough of these will earn you a multiplier bonus.


both literal and figurative booty

Booty will come in several forms. It will originally come in pieces, which will all offer a minimal multiplier amount, but can be blended to more complete forms — for example you may get a maiden statue, a crystal and an ivory plaque and be able to blend them into the beauty you see above you, which would have more multiplier power than all 3 ingredients on their own. Combining will cost you a small amt of chrona, and for higher blends possibly a little bit of wax too (just so I can pay the ram on the blends)

Other things like gems you may be able to amass and “farm” chrona from. You will do this by blending multiples of them together into bigger more complete versions. So you may combine gem fragments into gems, then into gem clusters, then into gem piles etc, each having more and more multiplier bonus that is more than the pieces combined.

In addition say you combine 5 gems together, you may get 3 gem clusters from it, so it may not just be a blend to 1 ratio, so you may earn that way. Then you can choose whether to keep your multipliers or “cash” them in for chrona in the blends by using them to “buy” chrona from the nefty blends.

sapphire eye gem

You’ll also have things like jewellery and other things dragons like to keep — “chrona” is considered gold coins in this case.

Every now and then you may be gifted or unlock “special” items dragons covet especially when you get to certain milestones or tiers, these will either be worth a LOT of chrona or be blendable to make something amazing or give you crazy powerups!

The discmans will most likely make a cameo in this way too, since they already provide multiplier bonuses in galactic123. If you sell any of your winnings you will lose their multiplier bonus. You MUST keep it on you to keep the bonus. Anyone who buys it will keep it and themselves earn that bonus if they are eligible.

A feeder gem that can be upgraded in multiplier value by feeding it chrona.

You will also be able to “feed” certain multipliers with CHRONA and upgrade them on nefty, like rplanet lands did.

Just remember though, you have to keep your chrona high in your wallet, for all the multipliers in the world won’t make a difference if the coin and booty they are multiplied against are low or don’t exist!

Eventually there will be “profiles” for the main players showing all of their stats, multipliers etc.


one of the “pre-game” nfts

You will also be given an overall bonus based on how many chronaverse cards you have in total, but keep in mind that staked cards are taken out of your wallet, and thus cannot be counted. The waxdao does not separate the users so we cannot tell how many stakeable nfts you have at this time. But you get drips from those so that is your “bonus” for that.

However if you have legacy or regular nfts those will be counted in your multiplier bonus :) — so everything counts now, from season 1, and season 2(pre-game) — but only if it’s not staked!



I’ll be adding another facet to chron-quest — GLORY — there will be certain troops you can acquire that will give you battle power that combined with your hoard power will pit you against other players every month which will earn you additional prizes!

You will actually be able to STEAL assets that would have been awarded to other players you were pitted against, essentially stealing from their hordes with your warriors! Those in similar tiers will be pitted against each other! But only if you have enough troops!

Both people could have equal troops power but differences in hoard value! Or similar hoards but more troops! This puts more strategy in play! As we get more players players will actually be able to choose who to challenge and then have a month to prepare their troops and hoards! The monthly snapshot will be random so you’ll never know if you have enough until you see the results!

There will be different “classes” of warrior too and you will get bonuses if you have x amt of any class in your “troops” — like 50 of one type will give you a type bonus for that type that factors into the score

Stats will be posted for each monthly battle!

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Keep in mind this is a roughing out of things for now. Things are subject to change and evolve.

So we got:
1) The races and realms scene #1 mints,

2) The booty, which will be given to you — you won’t be able to buy it initially, although you might be able to later after you’re whitelisted

3) The overall bonus from all the nfts you have overall.

It’s gonna take some doing on my part to keep track of everything, and multiplier bonuses will be listed in a doc so they can be adjusted if need be, and maybe in the nft in a mutable attribute so they can be adjusted.

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eh you get the idea lol

Sorry I know puns puns..

So now for tiers. This will probably be a combination of your multiplier bonus as well as the overall “hoard” value you have. So it would be your chrona multiplied by how many #1 scene mints and 1 of 1 mints you have and then that number multiplied by your multiplier. The next month is coming up in a few days but we currently do not have enough info so the next month will be allowing people to grow and testing things out once we see how consistent growth is.

But it will go like this

The current tiers system — currently 10 Levels with 30 tier levels in each — View them all in detail HERE.

level 1: salamander

BRONZE rank 0, I, II, III, IV, V

SILVER rank 0, I, II, III, IV, V

GOLD rank 0, I, II, III, IV, V

PLATINUM rank 0, I, II, III, IV, V

DIAMOND rank 0, I, II, III, IV, V

level 2: wingless draconian

B 0–5, S 0–5, G01–5, P 0–5, D 0–5

level 3: winged draconian

B 0–5, S 0–5, G01–5, P 0–5, D 0–5

level 4: mecha draconian

B 0–5, S 0–5, G01–5, P 0–5, D 0–5

level 5: chromatic dragon

B 0–5, S 0–5, G01–5, P 0–5, D 0–5

and so on and so forth until the last one is spawn of a’ar quintas.

to steal a bit of raid: shadow legends system.

You will go up AND down on this as as hoards grow values will need to be adjusted. These values will rely on the “base” amt which is where the work part of the game comes in. You cannot be a lazy little dragon and just sit on your hoard and expect it to grow from rewards. You have to actively be working, or you’ll sink to the bottom or slip off rewards entirely.

As time goes by the base amt to qualify will increase. For now it starts at 50 CHRONA. If you are under 50 chrona you will not get any rewards. Each month this will be adjusted based on activity, and monitoring the average amount of chrona in peoples wallets. It if stays the same the base won’t change much but if it goes up so will the base amt needed to qualify, and all the tiers will adjust based on this. So you may be silver one month and bronze another, affecting your hoard earnings, making it so you have to keep blending, growing, accruing.

I will try to only increase the base slightly as time goes on to keep it fair — at the beginning i might even just leave it as is to allow people to get up the ranks — that is more for farther down the line.

Anyone who gets to the spawn of a’ar quintas level will STAY there — so think of that as your goal. They will also get to “claim” a spawn and have it minted and will at that point identify as that spawn in the game. Not the original of course cuz it’s dead if it’s claimed, but they will have a new identity rebirthed into its form and that will be their game avatar. People can then blend them to earn chrona and stake with.

User Stats Page

A rudimentary stat page for now to record who has qualified — you can access it HERE.

Because this needs to be done manually I will need to keep accounts on every player who has qualified and check their values every month, and keep all those stats documented. Currently I am just doing it in the docs.

Eventually it will be graphically done like an rpg character stats page in the chronaverse game in its own CHRONQUEST category as a top 10, listing all the players and clicking each will bring you their detailed stats — kinda like rplanet had in conquest mode.

something similar to this

All the thing you “earn” will fill out the stats — for example CHRONA bonuses you accrue each month would be your “experience” so everyone will start at 0 and level up, which will also get you bonuses, which will affect battles — things like troops will be your attack power, maidens your defense, elves your magic etc.

The tier level you are at will be your avatar and will be a separate level than your character — you will gain experience to level up with after every monthly battle. Tink of it like an rpg that pays out every month. I might give out things that represent equipment too, or have you have to blend it. If it needs to be blended you’ll most likely get an access card to progressively blend higher and higher weapons and armor.

You said Spawn Can Help you out..

Spawn can help you out! If you own them..

Yes yes I did at the top. If you own spawn of A’ar quintas cards already, ONCE you hit spawn of a’ar quintas status yourself (which is a long way away for most people) you will ALSO earn THAT spawns reward amounts! The alive ones have their own “cache” which will be added to your own.

And the crazy part? If you own OTHER PEOPLES reclaimed spawn of a’ar quintas identities, aka other players, you will have THEIR multiplier added to your own as well! So reaching spawn status isn’t the end of your growth — you can keep growing! Exponentially!

Once you reach spawn of a’ar quintas level and “claim” your dead spawn avatar that image will stay on your stat card forever — and it till be unique to you. Other spawn who assist you will be listed as well.

Now there may be nerfs if this gets out of hand of course, just to warn you, you would still retain your multipliers but there may be a nerf deduction across the board that lowers them overall — all to keep the ecosystem healthy.

rpg mode — think the biggest whale as the boss on the left, and the others battling him on the right. Assisting “live” spawn of a’ar quintas would come in as ”summons” but the boss can have his own friends to summon with.

At the end of each season, aka year we will tabulate all the overall results and pay out campaign bonuses, scene nfts and probably a “winning” nft to the person who overall dominated the most that season. In addition if one person becomes a mega whale if they’re all spawn of a’ar quintas I may even make it so that they can “team up” until their stats are more equalized to battle each other — so 1 person may have 5 people battling him collectively — like in an rpg — he basically becomes a “boss” to defeat. Spawn vs spawn!

So Why this System Shawn?

The liquidity pool chart that monitors the coins health

Well.. because when you suddenly have a bunch of cards that can earn you a token the immediate urge is to sell it, and that’s exactly what happened, and I knew it would.

So the next step is to give them plenty of incentive NOT to sell it — hoarding solves this problem completely. It won’t stop those who are determined to sell (the small fries or the whales that need a ton), but it WILL make them think twice about losing free swag they can earn if they hold onto it. So it puts variability in play and allows for a more healthy climb of the coin, because that is the goal, for the coin to eternally climb, and thus get harder and harder to get, incentivizing spending money on the drops and blends to drip it.

You can measure the value of a coin by how hesitant you are to part with it.

the magic number seems to be 15 wax for now

So let’s refer to the coins health in the past couple of days. We recently finished giving utility to most of the cards so people could start earning. This resulted in some initial investment spikes and also a long trail of people starting to dump the coin, because at 15 wax a chrona, WHY NOT, RIGHT?

Well that’s fine initially but we all know how that’s going to end if left unchecked. So I told people of the concept of how they can profit from the coin, and flirted with the concept of hoards. That resulted in the little green spike, and then continued to drop a bit.

THEN I REALLY started to talk about the hoards and how you will earn just by growing them and thats when the green started to slowly riase, as people understood then need an initial value to start with, and they have a month to do so. NOW they have incentive to KEEP it instead of spend it due to other goodies they can get, thus saving the coin from a slow whittling down into obscurity. It’s not often you profit by NOT spending.

And of course this will incentivize people to actually SPEND and “hodl” as they call it the coin, as having more will get you more multiplier bonuses, and they understand the coin will rise, so might as well get it now, right?

(Mind you as I have said that someone dumped a ton of chrona, most likely someone who is not interested in playing the game and wants to profit off the spike, and that’s fine.)

What I have learned is you have to understand how people think, and why they do what they do — you can NOT strong-arm them to not do things — if you say “don’t spend it or you’re an evil person” theyll just say yeah ok whatever and then go ahead and do it anyways. They want to profit — that is why most are here.

The chronaverse is lucky in that it doesn’t NEED ANY OF THIS. I have been able to construct a community that loves the art and buys it for the art. However I know that in doing so I AM limiting myself — so why not diversify and give a more fun experience? So that is what I have done. For me it is more of a pride thing — as I’ve said in other medium articles I don’t use this to profit — only as a mass advertising system to funnel people to my art and music profitables outside of crypto — and it DOES work :)

That way I never have to worry about the rise and fall of markets — I can just eternally.. exist. The only market I care about is the health of chrona, and that is more of a pride thing and a wish to keep value high for everyone else :) — so here’s to hoping this works!

There’s no shame in being shameless hahaha

And while you do so you can enjoy all the fun art and music along the way! I like to think the collection has a little bit of something for everyone, so let’s grow, have fun, and screw the naysayers! GO PROFIT!

and if you want to be involved you really need to be part of the telegram, as that’s where all the magic, updates and brainstormings happen :)

you can join here:

Any other questions, just ask! And remember, you can find all the links you ever need for the game here:

come be a beautiful dragon!

NEXT → How to apply:



The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn