The Chronaverse is Heading to RPLANET for Staking!

The Chronaverse
5 min readFeb 23, 2022


Rplanet is the latest to join the Chronaverse metaverse!

So the🔹Chronaverse metaverse is now part of Rplanet — what does this mean?

Well, after a year of trying, Chronaverse has finally achieved it’s end goal — to be staked to Rplanet!

Now you may be wondering, what IS Rplanet? Rplanet is a game that has been in the works for about a year now. It was the first to allow other collections to stake cards they own that Rplanet approved to accumulate aether, a token tradeable on alcor market, that also allowed them to combine , buy and create elements, to earn rplanet cards to also stake! Each card staked increases your aether per hour!

Now with the game slowly transitioning to its final stage of release, CONQUEST, they have asked the community to apply for a series 2 of third party collections to be staked to the game, and the Chronaverse is one of those collections! You can play the game HERE.

The Breakdown

Now for those of you that do not know what the chronaverse is I suggest you read our last medium article. With that out of the way, I felt I should provide a breakdown of how the aether pool will go for the chronaverse collection.

The schemas, their rarity name, attrib of rarity and the percent of aether allocated from the pool

Now most of the prices have NOT been adjusted yet for the collection, with the exception of the audio discman, and the master pack keys. Upping the master pack keys has been done from 10 wax each to 50 wax each, and discman from 10 wax to 100 wax.

A highly prized audio discman — a music playing nft

People were already buying up the audio discmans and scalping them for at least 100 wax, so that decision only made sense. The master pack keys was done to pad the ram on neftyblocks from the proceeds eventually as buying packs keys rapidly makes the collection run out of ram if htey are bought in bulk.

So basically, if you want good prices, you need to reference the above list, go to the schemas, and see what in those raritys is available for buying!


In addition to the audio discman and 1 of 1 mints that you can buy on market, you can also blend final blends — which have the rarity “highest rarity” — as you can see they all are assigned 5% according to the list, which, once all the buyable market high numbers are bought these may be the last things left to get that are high quality and high aether.

You can either create these by buying pack keys — the pack keys will contain 10–20 cards each in them, and will look like this:

Master pack key

Or this:

Master Pack

Both of these you can find for sale HERE and HERE.

A’ar quintas Blend piece — an MS PAINT masterpiece

You can also blend the A’ar Quintas Dragon which can be found HERE. It is one of the most valuable pieces in the series, the whole piece.

The whole piece

As well as the Cosmic Alien Eyes which can be found through slivers HERE.

Cosmic Alien Eyes Final Blend — Highest Rarity

The rest can be found on neftyblocks — simply click HERE to see what pieces are available as blends, click the ingredients you need and check their prices on market. Some blend pieces are available in packs of 5 or 10 on market, and others you may have to hope you randomly get through the master pack key or the pumpkin major key (for the jack-o-lantern ones). The master pack key can also contain minor packs which you can further open, getting more pieces!

the blends page on neftyblocks — simply click any to see what pieces you need
then click the 3 dots on any piece and click “buy on market”
you will then see them on market to buy and for how much — then go back and blend!

The chronaverse was build massively around the blend system and was one of the first to actually DO blends on atomichub — the final blends are unique in that you get the FULL SIZED image as a reward, the same one I would sell on my gallary page —, where I sell my art in real life.

My nfts act like advertisements, with my art linking back to my art page, and my audio discmans linking back to my spotify page, which you can find HERE.

Voting on the Chronaverse

In addition to staking chronaverse pieces one must also VOTE on the chronaverse to keep it high on the RPLANET rankings — there are 21 rankings with different amts of aether pools per ranking — obv the closer to the top you are the more each nft in the collection gets of aether to give you when staked. Anything below the first 21 spots does not provide any aether, so there is that invcentive to keep voting to keep the collection up — so once the collection is listed please do vote! You vote with aether.

the ranking system on rplanet

So that’s about it! Be sure to peruse the chronaverse HERE, and get whatever you can before prices become insane!









The Chronaverse
The Chronaverse

Written by The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn

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