The Chronaverse is joining DUST as MINI DUST ENHANCERS!!!

The Chronaverse
11 min readJan 6, 2024


Just in time for A’ar quintas to start attacking the metaverse again!

The 20 Things needed to earn.. things!

So the Chronaverse has finally partnered with Niftywizards and DU$T to bring utility to 20 of the Chronaverse cards! (EDIT: NOW 25!)

Before reading this article I highly suggest reading up on the article of what mini dust enhancers are here:

Once you are up to date on that, we shall continue.. you can blend all the pieces below that are available. Please view the links below to learn more about the Chronaverse before you proceed — it will be required.

Introducing the 20 New Cards

First.. sigh.. I have to idiot proof this process a bit. Atomichub has something called “unlockable content” — it is only available when you buy or “create” an nft. Let me explain. First let us find one from the Chronaverse that has unlockable content:

The races & realms schema pretty much ALL have unlockable content in them.

Alright! This one has unlockable content! Now that’s MY view of things as the collection creator. Let’s see what your view would look like:

you’ll see in that there is a blue button telling you have unlockable content — I already clicked it so it won’t show up anymore for this example — but once you do you will get this view:

Now you simply have to click “unlock” to view the result:

And voila! An IPFS link with an extra image for the nft. I suppose I could have also linked to an actual hidden nft, but meh lol.

So for THIS game, when you see one of THESE screens:


You know it is referring to one of the images below. “Majestic Red” in this case, which is a legendary card.

Majestic Red Legendary Card — Blend Link HERE

Usually it’s only just the one code, but in this case, you need TWO cards. In this game there are snazzy finishes you can blend called “dynamo cores” — and as you go up in rarity you have to blend progressively snazzier dynamo cores. In this example it requires a dynamo core made using the STAR NOVA pieces which are celestial dragon dynamo core fragments:

This one isn’t used yet but this is what they look like. Put on your shades!

6 different dragons like that combined together creates something like this:

Cosmic Crystal

Which is then used to create something like this:

Crystal Chromatic Gatekeeper

So you basically took the majestic red dragon template, pulled a divine dragon from the ether you created using fragments of the cosmos, and then RE-BIRTHED it into a dragon of a whole different type of finish! Pretty cool huh! The Chronaverse game has a lot of examples like that.

Now if you wanted to create say a crystal dragon but with the cosmic powers of the void — you’d need to combine it with another embryo you created from cores. Those won’t be relevant to this for mini dust enhancers, but for shits and giggles I’ll show you what it would be like:

A cute little cosmic void dragon

then combine it with another majestic red, the crystal chromatic gatekeeper and this embryo, aand..

Cosmic void crystal Gatekeeper

VOILA! Now you have a NEW gatekeeper to make an entirely DIFFERENT species combining different elements of previous ones! But let’s get back to the crystal line..

Next you’ll use that “BASE” plus more majestic reds, as each requires sacrifices to become mightier. Thus the NEXT step in this journey is, like above, to make another crystal dynamo core — but because we are not radically shifting from the crystal theme (we are only making a “gem” version), we don’t have to make another gatekeeper.

ORGANIC crystal

6 more star nova fragments gets you the ORGANIC crystal, or gem dynamo core. Now, let’s combine that with another majestic red and the crystal chromatic gatekeeper (which is an evolution of the regular chromatic dragon)…

Regular chromatic dragon

and we will get this!

Gem dragon!

Success! We now have a higher rarity that has traits of majestic red, but also crystal chromatic gatekeeper AND the organic crystal gem dynamo core.

But he’s not quite.. studly enough.. sure he towers over mountains.. but he needs to be more SWOL.. so we repeat the process adding more crystal dynamo cores to him to bulk him up, and sacrifice more majestic reds..

KAIJU Gem Dragon

..and BOOM! Kaiju dragon! Looking even more majestic and scary than the last! It’s like evolving in Yu-gi-oh! or Pokemon or Digimon or something. But can we go BEYOND??

Let’s add more crystal and see what we can get..

BEYOND Gem Dragon

Oh my! The radiance is just bursting out of him! We are traversing back in time to the first light of creation, when such beings were more light than form! But can we go back to the very first being of this path? The ULTIMA gem dragon?

Rinse and repeat, adding even MORE crystal!

ULTIMA Gem Dragon!

OMG DEAR SWEET CELESTIA OUR CORNEAS! And here we have the 1 of 1 mint — the most valuable nft of all — but this one is not quite so easy to make. It also requires that we create two SPAWN OF A’AR QUINTAS cards, and eventually attain the 1 of 1 mint polymerization card. Polymerization cards were explained in the A’ar Quintas campaign above so I will not rehash them, nor the spawn of A’ar Quintas, I will just post their images:

The 1 of 1 mint polymerization key — you need 7 of EACH card to blend them together. This is a very very expensive blend. VERY expensive.
There is also this beautiful godly piece — but you must find her on your own through the game!
The NEW A’ar Quintas the destroyer — MORE FIRE! Blend Link HERE
Or the old original one — the all-father of all the spawn of A’ar Quintas. Blend Link HERE
RAGING FISTS! The first level above legendary of the limited mints — Mythical — the very first of the new “spawn of a’ar quintas” rebirthed draconian soldiers bent to the will of a’ar quintas
AIR RAZOR! The second level above legendary of the limited mints — Celestial — the very first of the new “Spawn of A’ar Quintas” rebirthed draconian soldiers bent to the will of A’ar Quintas — each rarity gives you a poly card one rarity above the card you blended to be able to buy.

For RAGING FISTS you will need to start with the card below:

Our first card: Mecha Draconian (wings)

Common Draconian METAL-IZED! Buy Link HERE

This is the first “metal-ized” version of the draconian empire — you can tell it’s a draconian versus a dragon by its hindquarters and the fact its body seems more “humanoid” versus animal, even though it is on all fours. Also not all Draconians have tails. This one is the run of the mill and will get you 0.0015 dust per line in telegram chats. It is a rare blend which means you must blend more before it. You can blend him here:

NFTS required

  1. Base Draconian
  2. Battle Scarred Draconian
  3. - Mecha-Draconian -

Next is the Draconian Foot soldier

My my what bright eyes you ha- Blend Link HERE

Next is the KAIJU version

they just get scarier with age..

well actually not for this path — we will diverge here as there are 2 paths you can take:

hmm decisions decisions..

So in this case we will be choosing the right one — draconian ARMADA

They are GOING TO WAR!!

This brings us closer to the story of the Draconians who fought the great war, got their asses kicked, and were absorbed into the A’ar Quintas collective. A’ar Quintas was the very first dust enhancer from the Chronaverse.


Now its time for our armada dragon to FULLY suit up — and he’s ready for WAR!

But then.. he dies.. and his body is repurposed — but in the process he loses his wings, but he gains strengths and the power of RAGING FISTS!

My my what big teeth you ha — *gurk!* — Blend Link HERE

All spawn of a’ar quintas cards come with a unique backstory and a name in their attribs.

Now for AIR razor you originally had 2 divergent paths:

evolved up with mecha or devolved down with salamander

In this case the OPPOSITE is going to happen — we are going to DEVOLVE the being down to a wingless salamander state

scary predator draconians, what will they think of next?

Then the predator draconian..

Ooh he changed colour..

And THEN the Red Fire Draconian Warrior — note he is wingless because we DEvolved him down.

This one due to the extra steps is the same rarity as mecha-draconian but because it had more steps to get it it gets more dust mining power, at .0070 to start, vs .0015 of the previous one. You can blend him here:

NFTS required

  1. Base Draconian
  2. Battle Scarred Draconian
  3. Salamander

And the rest you know above.

Next a cosmic alien parasite gets in the way, and causes a horrible mutation!

Spawn of Jenova — I didn’t just say Jenova, so don’t sue me final fantasy please lol.. blend link HERE

Oh god its like some manner of sea creature with fins and tentacles! Get it to the draconian armada, and fix it!

Mechanova — a mechanized spawn of jenova with cyber parts to replace or cover up its craziness — blend link HERE

Ahh that’s better — they have operated on him and added cyborg implants and converted his tentacles into tails.. and now he has wings! Now he is ready for war!

Buuut he dies too.. and we all know what THAT means in the great war..

Air Razor — Blend Link HERE

Now he is a crazy fast spawn with even stronger wings, and his body has been streamlined for speed!

and that’s pretty much all of them! Let’s bring up that list again so I don’t have to add them to every piece:

The doc has been made to help you along with blending too — up to a certain point — to make anything above legendary you MUST use the game interface as those blends, while visible in the doc, will just show as ???? and have no blend or buy links, with the nefty link being hidden so you can’t even find it otherwise. As we mentioned above they will be LOCKED in the game and will have to be UNlocked with the passcodes you find in the pieces as you progressively blend them.

The chronaverse awards hard work, and also ensures you DO all the work — no skipping steps! The poly card you saw above will be made when ALL rarities up to beyond of the spawn of A’ar Quintas are released- as we have seen only air razor and raging fists have been released so far, of the new generation of spawn for the game, so the last 2 items on the list are not available — but will allow us to inject more dust into the machine to allow more to be accessed, as per the medium article on dust above.

— — — — —

I realize this is all very technical and complicated, but it’s meant to be hard and hard to understand, so once you do you’ll have an edge up on everyone else! I wanted these all to be either Draconian, dragon or A’ar Quintas or spawn of A’ar Quintas themed since the very mascot of the collection itself is A’ar Quintas, the most powerful dragon who ever lived, if albeit briefly. His jaws could crush a planet — he put Unicron to shame. It took the wrath of god and the angels to take him down, and noone will ever forget that, and A’ar Quintas, much like SIN, can never truly be destroyed, so it bides its time, builds its strength to re-emerge again with its spawn..

he waits.. while looking in 3 different directions at once..

Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to join our telegram room:

Main room:

Announcements room:

That’s our main base of operations and where I am constantly updating my progress on things — so test your luck to see if you can get these cool dust enhancers! As more dust is added to the hopper I will roll out more nfts to add — not too many though — only 5 more per update.

And on that note…



We have now added FIVE MORE to be claimed!

A’ar Quintas is currently amassing his power to attack the world of GALACTIC123 which he has in the past. If you can banish him you get this cool card from me! (Generally therse don’t go on market, but you might get lucky on secondary sales — currently only 4 exist)

as we all know, he can never TRULY be defeated, only banished for a time — Buy Here
Jenovian — a costly scourge of the heavens — Buy Here

Promos have also been added, you can buy these on market HERE

Buy this off Market here: Buy Link
Buy this off market here: Buy Link
Buy this off Market here: Buy Link

Remember — to make the spawn you have to create a’ar quintas first, recombining his pieces together, like exodia!

That’s a lot to take in, so just know, a’ar quintas is always watching, and he may attack your collection next! Summon the holy gem dragons to aid in your defense!

that is all — enjoy!




The Chronaverse

The Chronaverse is an entire metaverse set around Shawn Dall, aka Chronamut’s creations! The collection is music, art and blendable nfts all done by Shawn